
Creating Your Own Virtual World with Cluster Creator Kit in Unity: A Beginner's Guide

Creating your own virtual world is an exciting journey, and with the Cluster Creator Kit in Unity, it's more accessible than ever. This beginner-friendly guide walks you through the process, from installing Unity to uploading your world to Cluster. So, get started and let your creativity shine in your own virtual space!


Have you ever dreamed of creating your own virtual world? With the Cluster Creator Kit in Unity, you can turn that dream into reality. This guide is designed for beginners and will walk you through the process from installing Unity to uploading your world to Cluster.

Getting Started with Unity

If you haven't installed Unity yet, don't worry. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to do so. We recommend using Unity Hub, a management tool that simplifies the management of Unity projects and installations.

Installing Unity Hub

Unity Hub is a powerful tool that makes managing your Unity projects and installations a breeze. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to install Unity Hub.

  1. Visit the official Unity website.

  2. Download the Unity Hub installer appropriate for your operating system.

  3. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Unity Hub on your computer.

Installing the Correct Version of Unity

It's crucial to install the correct version of Unity that is compatible with the Cluster Creator Kit. As of May 25, 2023, the recommended version is Unity 2021.3.4f1. Using other versions may prevent successful uploads and room entry.

  1. Open Unity Hub.

  2. Click on the "Installs" tab on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click on the "Add" button on the right side of the screen.

  4. Select the correct version of Unity that is compatible with the Cluster Creator Kit (As of May 25, 2023, the recommended version is Unity 2021.3.4f1).

  5. Click on the "Next" button and follow the on-screen instructions to install Unity.

Download the Cluster Creator Kit (CCK)

  1. Visit the official Cluster website or the link provided for the Cluster Creator Kit.

  2. Download the Cluster Creator Kit (CCK).

  3. Once downloaded, import the CCK into your Unity project by selecting "Assets" > "Import Package" > "Custom Package" from the Unity menu, then selecting the downloaded CCK package.

Additional Modules

Depending on the operating system you are using, you may need to select additional modules in Unity Hub.

  • for Windows

  • Android Build Support

  • iOS Build Support

  • Mac Build Support (Mono)

  • for macOS

    • Android Build Support

    • iOS Build Support

    • Windows Build Support (Mono)


By following this guide, you'll be able to create your own virtual space in Cluster using Unity. It's a fun and rewarding process, and we can't wait to see what you create!

This article is based on the guide from Cluster Creators Guide. For more detailed instructions and a sample project, please visit the original guide.


DICEBREAKER is a unique conversation game available on the Cluster platform. The game revolves around a simple concept: players roll a dice and choose from six topics to discuss. This interactive game is designed to facilitate engaging and meaningful conversations among players.

Bilingual Dice for Global Conversations

One of the standout features of DICEBREAKER is its bilingual nature. The game comes with dice in both Japanese and English, making it accessible to a broad range of players. This feature not only allows for diverse conversations but also encourages language learning and cultural exchange.


Playing DICEBREAKER is straightforward. Players gather in a virtual space, roll the dice, and choose one of the six topics that appear. The topics are varied and can range from light-hearted and fun to deep and thought-provoking. Once a topic is chosen, players take turns sharing their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives.


DICEBREAKER is more than just a game; it's a tool for connection and communication. It encourages players to share and listen, fostering a sense of community and understanding. Whether you're looking to make new friends, learn a new language, or simply have interesting conversations, DICEBREAKER offers a unique and engaging way to interact with others in the virtual world.
