
King of Pop マイケル・ジャクソンの声明

Michael Jackson, Telegram Post [05.06.21 00:52]


エミネムについて言えば、彼もこのシステムの中にいました。彼もまた、私を脅すために利用されました。彼は詩やアートで私を攻撃しました。何故なら私は、私の曲 "Black or White" で正式にイルミナティを脱退したからです。彼らはエミネムを使って私の芸術的評判を破壊しました。彼は自分が間違っていることに気付きました。彼もまた、アルバム "Recovery" でイルミナティを脱退しました。(エミネムの曲)"Rain Man" は Illuminati と同じです。

"Black or White" - Michael Jackson,
"25 To Life" - Eminem

Michael Jackson, Telegram Post [05.06.21 00:55]




Statement by Michael Jackson, King of Pop

I left the Illuminati, and it was tough for me. They threatened me because I was out of their control.

I can say about Eminem that he was also in this system. He was also used to threaten me. He attacked me with his poetry and art. Because I officially left the Illuminati in my black or white music. They used Eminem to destroy my artistic reputation. He realized he was wrong. He also left the Illuminati on the recovery album. The RAIN MAN is the same as Illuminati.
Do not trust those who have sold their souls to the devil unless they get out.

Find the answer in two music:Black or White, 25 To Life


Michael Jackson, [05.06.21 00:55]
[In reply to Michael Jackson]
The Truth storm is coming.

