
日本のMedBed! そう、MedBedの存在は確認された:高次元医療技術、5次元、DNA修復、米軍基地施設、そしてGESARA


2023年9月3日 Medeea Greere 著

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MED BEDS – ハイテク医療ベッド技術はディープステートによって抑圧され、NESARA GESARAによって解放されました(動画)



MedBed は単なる医学上の発見ではありません。そう、それは何世紀にもわたる宇宙技術の集大成であり、これまで秘密裏に隠され、世間の目から遠ざけられた、世界的な陰謀に包まれていた技術です。


現状 - 2023年9月2日:日本に於けるタイムスタンプが押されたこの日現在、信じられないような変遷が起きています。かつては伝説の存在であったハイエンドの医療技術であるMedBedが、今や現実のものとなりつつあります。世界中の国々、特にGESARA協定の下にある国々では、これらの奇跡的な装置が大量に流入しており、一部の国では処理しきれないほど保有しています。

厳しい生活を送ってきた人々にとって、GESARA または「世界経済安全保障および復興法」を理解することは不可欠です。この行為は、新たな時代、テクノロジーと進歩がディープステートの見えざる手によって、もはや妨げられることのない時代を意味します。


日本のMedBed ─ 未来を垣間見る

日本を例に考えてみましょう。日出ずる国は常に驚異のテクノロジーの最前線にあり、MedBedも例外ではありません。報告によると、日本は豊富なMedBedの供給を受けているようです。この数字は私の推測では、各都道府県に数台と考えられます。しかし、これらはまだ最終目的地には到達していません。その大部分は、米軍基地施設及び関連する日本の自衛隊の拠点に戦略的に配置されています。その影響は? 驚くべきことです。


修復:MedBed は単なるツールではありません。それは革命です。宇宙時代のテクノロジーの力を利用して、人類に知られているほぼ全ての病気や怪我に対処し、無効化します。どうやってでしょう? 遺伝情報 (DNA) を最も純粋な形に戻すことによってです。






宇宙同盟:空の彼方からの同盟者である地球外生命体は、彼らが長い間使ってきたものを私たちと共有しています。彼らは、私たちがこれから手に入れようとしている "斬新なもの" を "レトロ・テクノロジー" と見なしています。"レトロ" は過去のものを連想させるかも知れませんが、これらはずっと恒星間の試練に耐えてきたツールであることを覚えておいて下さい。



MedBedは、変革の淵に立たされている世界に於ける希望の光です。このテクノロジーが GESARA 署名国に浸透し続ける中、私たちはより健康的な未来だけでなく、人類が再定義されることを見据えています。



1. はじめに:GESARAの時代



2. 万人に向けたヘルスケアの約束


3. 当面の地平線を越えて:各家庭のMedBed

これは大胆な発言ですので、ご承知置きください。数十年後の未来には、すべての家庭にこれらの新時代の医療技術が備えられるようになるかも知れません。SFのように聞こえるでしょうか? そうかも知れませんが、それは人間の精神性と意識の進化という信念に根ざした未来なのです。私たちが霊的に進化するに伴い、優先順位が変わり、理解が深まり、かつては空想的だと思われていたことが新しい常識となるのです。

4. 当初の問題:地域の適応と課題

しかし、どのような大きな変化にも課題はつきものです。GESARAの開始後は、全ての国、全ての地域が内情をよく観察し、熟考しなくてはなりません。都市環境、自然景観、文化的ニュアンス… それぞれがMedBedの導入戦略を決定する上で重要な役割を果たすでしょう。


5. 日本人の視点:千差万別の啓示


しかし情報筋によれば、MedBedの運用は少なくとも当初は秘密裏に行われる可能性があるという情報の捩れもあります。公開されるまでに数か月、場合によっては 1 年かかる場合もありそうです。可能性は? 今のところは五分五分でしょう。



6. 命の優先:その微妙なバランス




世界は今、革命の瀬戸際にあり、それは私たちが知っている社会、統治、医療の再構築を約束する画期的な変化です。通称GESARA として広く知られる世界経済安全保障改革法は、単なる変更ではなく、新たな始まりです。そして、待望のGESARA選挙が日に日に近付くにつれ、これが日本の医療インフラと世界の5次元世界への移行にとって何を意味するのかについて、囁きが大きくなっています。準備はできていますか? さあ、事態は劇的に変わろうとしていますので、気をしっかり保ちましょう。


さらに深く掘り下げる前に、部屋の中の象(無視のできない大きなものの比喩)、つまり GESARA 選挙についてお話しましょう:GESARA選挙についてです。変化を具体化するこの記念碑的イベントは、単なる選挙プロセスではありません。この選挙は、GESARAが発表されてから「120日以内」に行われることとされています。さて、もしあなたがこの現場に耳を傾けてきた幸運な数少ない人の一人であれば、"UBI" または、ユニバーサル・ベーシック・インカムの即時導入について聞いたことがあるでしょう。これは単なる紙上の政策ではありません。これは、GESARA選挙を通じて選出される新政府によって実現されると推測されています。これは果敢かつ大胆であり、世界中に吹き荒れる変化の風を証明するものです。









MED BED - MedBedのハイテク技術はディープステートによって抑圧され、NESARA GESARAによって解放される







記事全文はこちら: https://amg-news.com/q-a-about-med-beds-everything-you-need-to-know-about-everything-you-need-to-know-about-med-beds-part-1/

また米国のMedBed:なぜ沈黙なのか? 米国に於けるMedBed計画の詳細 - MedBedに関するQ&A - 証拠集! - https://amg-news.com/med-beds-in-the-usa-why-the-silence-details-of-med-bed-plans-in-the-usa-q-a-about-med-beds-proof-compilation/

動画:はい、MedBedの存在は確認された事実です! - https://amg-news.com/video-yes-the-existence-of-med-beds-is-a-confirmed-fact-video-proof-compilation/

MED BEDS – ハイテク医療ベッド技術はディープステートによって抑圧され、NESARA GESARAによって解放されました(動画)

米国のMedBed:なぜ沈黙なのか? 米国に於けるMedBed計画の詳細 - MedBedに関するQ&A


機会、革新、そして... 沈黙の国、アメリカ? MedBedに関しては、無視できない静寂があります。このベッドは医療業界を変え、大手企業を廃業に追い込む可能性を秘めています。大手製薬会社が糸を引き、その支配を終わらせる可能性のある技術そのものを抑圧しているのでしょうか?

記事全文はこちら: https://amg-news.com/med-beds-in-the-usa-why-the-silence-details-of-med-bed-plans-in-the-usa-q-a-about-med-beds-proof-compilation/

またMED BEDS - ディープステートが抑圧していたハイテクMedBed技術をNESARAGESARAが公開(必見の動画) - https://amg-news.com/med-beds-high-tech-medical-bed-technology-suppressed-by-deep-state-and-released-by-nesara-gesara-must-see-video/

はい、MedBedの存在は確認された事実です - 証拠の編集です!(動画)



Med Bed in Japan! YES, The Existence of Med Bed is a Confirmed: High-dimensional Medical Technology, 5th-Dimension, DNA Restoration, US military Base Facilities and GESARA

By Medeea Greere September 3, 2023 Updated:September 3, 2023 13 Mins Read

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

MED BEDS – High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA

The Unveiling of the Med Bed: The Latest Breakthrough in High-Dimensional Medical Technology

As the curtains are pulled back on the shadow battles fought on our planet, revealing groundbreaking technology that once resided in the pages of science fiction novels, we take a deep dive into one such invention that promises to revolutionize healthcare forever. It’s called the Med Bed, and its implications are profound.

The Med Bed isn’t just another medical discovery. No, it’s the culmination of centuries-old space technologies, technologies that, until now, were concealed in secrecy, locked away from the public eye, and shrouded in global conspiracies.

What You Need to Know About the Med Bed

The State of Affairs – September 2, 2023: As of this date, with time stamped in Japan, an incredible transition has taken place. High-end medical technology Med Beds, which were once stuff of legend, are now becoming a reality. Countries around the globe, particularly those under the GESARA agreement, are seeing an influx of these miraculous devices, with some nations having more than they can handle.

For those who have been living under a rock, it’s imperative to understand the GESARA or the “Global Economic Security and Recovery Act.” This act signifies a new era, an era where technology and progress are no longer stalled by the DEEP STATE’s invisible hands.

Whispers from the darkest corners suggest that the monumental battle with the DEEP STATE has finally reached its conclusion. This ushered in the era of healing, particularly using advanced space technologies to mend our warriors and save countless lives, many of which were innocent children. This lunar base, which was a hub of cosmic recovery, has now transformed into a Med Bed production facility. Yes, you heard it right. The stars are no longer the limit.

Med Bed in Japan – A Glimpse into the Future

Take Japan, for instance. The land of the rising sun has always been at the forefront of technological marvels, and the Med Bed is no exception. Reports suggest that Japan has received a bountiful supply of Med Beds. My guesstimate places this number at several units per prefecture. However, these haven’t reached their final destinations. The majority are strategically placed in US military base facilities and related Japanese Self-Defense Forces locations. The implications? Astounding.

The Essence of the Med Bed

Restoration: The Med Bed isn’t just a tool; it’s a revolution. It harnesses the power of space-age technology to address and nullify virtually every disease and injury known to humanity. How, you ask? By reverting genetic information (DNA) to its purest form.

If you’ve ever believed our human capabilities are limited, think again. Much of our inherent genetic strength lies dormant, suppressed by factors we’re just beginning to comprehend. The Med Bed awakens this dormant power. It’s not about merely treating symptoms or diseases. It’s about unleashing our genetic potential, a potential that’s been stifled for generations.

However, for one to tap into the restorative magic of the Med Bed, their soul wave must resonate with the 5th-dimensional wave. This isn’t just a treatment; it’s an evolution.

Shedding Light on Two Vital Elements

Before diving deeper, it’s crucial to lay down some fundamental truths.

・Timeless Technology: What we consider “cutting-edge” today has roots that stretch back centuries. The technology that’s about to redefine our world has been in existence, hidden in plain sight, masked by layers of deception and secrecy.

・Space Alliances: The extraterrestrial entities, our allies from beyond our skies, are sharing with us what they’ve used for eons. They view our forthcoming “novelties” as “retrotechnology.” And though “retro” might evoke a sense of the past, remember that these are tools that have stood the test of interstellar time.

Beyond the Med Bed

With the launch of GESARA, an arsenal of interstellar healing technologies is set to be unveiled. The Med Bed, while revolutionary, is just the tip of the iceberg. Plan Q, a grand strategy that took off in 2019, has been central in these revelations. Initial applications of the Med Bed were off-planet, healing those rescued and soldiers fighting the dark cosmic entities.

The Med Bed is a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the edge of transformation. As this technology continues to flood GESARA signatory nations, we’re not just looking at a healthier future but a redefined humanity.

The Future of Healthcare Post-GESARA: Med Beds and the Revolution in Healing

From the pristine suburbs to the bustling heart of metropolises worldwide, the dawn of a new age in medical care is upon us. With the launch of GESARA, an evolution, unparalleled in human history, awaits. Prepare for a tale of transformation, of rebirth, and the potential rise of an advanced era.

1. Introduction: The GESARA Age

After the monumental launch of GESARA, whispers of a vision started circulating – a vision of a world where healing is not just a luxury for the few but a right for all. From the most profound urban jungles to the serene surroundings of the countryside, the winds of change are blowing.

In this utopian future, we don’t just envisage mundane hospitals. Instead, imagine medical centers, not limited to the conventional brick and mortar of yesteryears but equipped with groundbreaking medical and healing technologies. These aren’t mere hospitals; they are sanctuaries, havens of healing, powered by the revolutionary “medical beds” or what insiders have affectionately termed, Med Beds.

2. The Promise of Universal Healthcare

These sanctuaries, designed to cater to every individual, are not just about profit. They are a testament to the belief that everyone, regardless of their financial standing, has the right to the best medical care. The post-GESARA world imagines a place where these cutting-edge treatments and cures are available for free. Yes, you read that right – no hidden charges, no exorbitant bills, just pure, altruistic healing.

3. Beyond the Immediate Horizon: Every Household’s Own Med Bed

It’s a bold statement, but bear with me. Fast forward several decades into the future, and we might see every household equipped with these new-age medical technologies. Sounds like science fiction? Maybe, but it’s a future anchored in a belief – the evolution of human spirituality and consciousness. As we evolve spiritually, our priorities shift, our understanding deepens, and what once seemed fantastical becomes the new normal.

4. The Initial Hiccups: Regional Adaptations and Challenges

However, no grand change is devoid of its challenges. After the launch of GESARA, every nation, every region, must introspect. Urban environments, natural landscapes, cultural nuances – each will play a crucial role in determining the Med Bed introduction strategies.

Taking a closer look, the landscape is varied. Information from nations like Canada, Germany, and the UK offers insights into diverse Med Bed integration strategies. Meanwhile, Japan serves as a quintessential example, holding vital clues to the stages of unveiling new medical and healing technologies.

5. The Japanese Perspective: A Staggered Revelation

In the Land of the Rising Sun, we anticipate that Med Bed technologies will be revealed in stages post the GESARA launch. The rumblings suggest that the utilization of Med Beds will kick off after the introduction of free energy.

However, there’s a twist. Sources indicate that the Med Bed operations might remain secretive, at least initially. It might take several months, maybe even a year, for them to be made public. The odds? Currently 50/50.

Why the secrecy?

The most compelling reason lies in the necessity to prioritize those who require urgent Med Bed treatments. Instead of the standard treatment request methods, treatments will be primarily promoted through the “selection” by quantum computers. With such a groundbreaking method, it’s understandable that in the early stages, any public revelation could create chaos, confusion, and potentially even harm.

6. Prioritizing Lives: The Delicate Balance

Corporate medical facilities, with their ties to various influential figures, have a significant role to play in this narrative. With the introduction of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) post the GESARA elections, these establishments will remain operational to ensure the livelihood of many, especially those who may find themselves in precarious situations after GESARA’s implementation.

So, as the world stands on the cusp of this radical transformation, it’s essential to remember that while the future promises a lot, it also demands patience, understanding, and faith. The winds of change are upon us, and with it, the promise of a brighter, healthier tomorrow for all.

A Brave New World and the Future of Medical Technology in Japan

The world is on the brink of a revolution, an epochal shift that promises to reshape society, governance, and healthcare as we know it. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, popularly known as GESARA, is not just a change—it’s a new beginning. And as the days inch closer to the much-anticipated GESARA election, whispers are growing louder about what this could mean for Japan’s medical infrastructure and the global transition to a penta-dimensional world. Are you ready? Buckle up, because things are about to get dramatic.

The GESARA Election and the Dawn of the UBI Era

Before we dive deeper, let’s address the elephant in the room: The GESARA election. This monumental event, an embodiment of change, is not just another electoral process. It’s set to occur “within 120 days” of the GESARA release. Now, if you’re one of the lucky few who have been keeping their ear to the ground, you’ve probably heard about the immediate introduction of the “UBI” or Universal Basic Income. This isn’t just another policy on paper. This is speculated to be brought to life by the new government, a body that will be elected through the GESARA elections. It’s bold, it’s audacious, and it’s a testament to the winds of change blowing across the globe.

The Medical Revolution: Japan at the Forefront

Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, is no stranger to innovation. And yet, the latest buzz is about its approach to Med beds. Initially, Japan plans to deploy these Med beds primarily in existing hospital facilities. However, as we step into the future, there is a vision—Japan aims to create facilities like the “New Center for Medical Technology and Healing.” This isn’t just another hospital. This is where technology meets compassion, where the future of medical care is reimagined.

Consider this: Numerous hospital facilities currently occupy prime locations across Japan. While some naysayers point out the lack of natural environments—like trees and greenery—at these locations, I firmly believe in Japan’s ability to innovate. By scaling down installations and strategically replanning, these sites can transform into the new epicenters for medical technology and healing.

The first phase after the GESARA launch sees the Med beds stationed in existing hospitals and universities. But this is just the beginning. With the GESARA launch, we aren’t just aiming for a finish line. Instead, we’re setting off on a remarkable journey to build a new world—a five-dimensional realm where progress, empathy, and growth thrive.

Let’s not sugarcoat it: Change, especially of this magnitude, brings chaos. The transition to the five-dimensional world is not going to be a walk in the park. There will be confusion, resistance, and what I call “annoying behavior” from those who find it hard to adjust to this new reality. But in this tumultuous phase, one thing must remain crystal clear: The integrity of the Med bed technology.

A word of caution, dear reader: as the world embraces this new era of medical technology, there will be opportunists. Fraudulent “new medical technology and healing solutions” will crop up. There will be those who seek to exploit this momentous shift for monetary gain. But always remember, genuine medical and healing technologies, as promised under GESARA, will always be provided for free. Beware of impostors and always ensure you’re accessing genuine services. A fraudulent phase is inevitable, but with awareness, we can combat this challenge.

This is not just another article. This is a clarion call, a passionate plea for vigilance, adaptability, and unity. The world is evolving, and Japan stands at the threshold of monumental progress in medical technology. The GESARA launch, the evolution of healthcare, and the birth of the penta-dimensional world—all these are not just events; they’re a testament to human resilience, innovation, and the spirit of progress.

As you navigate this new era, remember to stay informed, stay skeptical, and most importantly, stay united. The journey ahead is long, but together, we can conquer any challenge and truly usher in a brave new world.

MED BEDS – High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA

Q & A about Med Beds | Everything You Need to Know about Med Beds & How Quantum Med Bed’s Are Revolutionizing the Medical Field (New Video)

The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds: A Leap of Love and Science!

In the harmonious dance between science and love, the healing potential of Med Beds has emerged as a dazzling testimony. Enveloped in cutting-edge quantum technology, Med Beds extend a beacon of hope for those seeking holistic wellness.

But what makes them so special?

Love, the most potent force in the universe, transcends the boundaries of the seen and the unseen. It’s an energy that interweaves our very existence. And when love meets science, miracles such as the Med Beds are born.

Just think about it: a space that combines humanity’s deepest affections with the profound mysteries of quantum mechanics…

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/q-a-about-med-beds-everything-you-need-to-know-about-everything-you-need-to-know-about-med-beds-part-1/

Also: Med Beds in The USA: Why the Silence? Details Of Med Bed Plans In The USA – Q & A about Med Beds – Proof Compilation! – https://amg-news.com/med-beds-in-the-usa-why-the-silence-details-of-med-bed-plans-in-the-usa-q-a-about-med-beds-proof-compilation/

VIDEO: YES, The Existence of Med Beds is a Confirmed Fact – VIDEO Proof Compilation! – https://amg-news.com/video-yes-the-existence-of-med-beds-is-a-confirmed-fact-video-proof-compilation/

Med Beds in the USA: Why the Silence? Details Of Med Bed Plans In The USA – Q & A about Med Beds

Med Beds in the USA: Why the Silence?

The USA, the land of opportunity, innovation, and… silence? When it comes to Med Beds, there’s a hush that’s hard to ignore. These beds have the potential to change the healthcare industry, putting powerhouses out of business. Could Big Pharma be pulling the strings, suppressing the very technology that could end its dominion?

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/med-beds-in-the-usa-why-the-silence-details-of-med-bed-plans-in-the-usa-q-a-about-med-beds-proof-compilation/

Also: MED BEDS – High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA (Must See Video) – https://amg-news.com/med-beds-high-tech-medical-bed-technology-suppressed-by-deep-state-and-released-by-nesara-gesara-must-see-video/
