

Daniëlle, Telegram Post [10.04.21 20:58]





イエズス会総主事 黒法王 アドルフォ・ニコラによる、新世界秩序のための極悪非道な計画。

1. イエズス会総主事 黒の教皇アドルフォ・ニコラとその6人の将軍が「白の教皇」教皇ベネディクト16世とバチカンを支配している。

2. イルミナティ、シオニスト、グローバリスト・エリート、外交問題評議会、ビルダーバーグ・グループ、フリーメイソン、300人評議会、そして邪悪なトレント評議会。

3. イエズス会は、テンプル騎士団、コロンブス騎士団、マルタ騎士団を支配している。

4. CIA、FBI、NSA、ASIO、MI5、MI6、NCIS、FSB、DGSE、モサドなど、世界中のあらゆる諜報機関は、イエズス会に支配されたメーソンである。

5. イエズス会はすべての政府に浸透しており、オバマ、ラッド、ブレア、ジンタオ、サルコジ、ペレスなどの指導者はイエズス会の命令を実行する操り人形にすぎない。




太陽崇拝 = エジプトの信仰
土星崇拝 = イスラム教の信仰


さて、太陽崇拝者はどのようにしてカトリック教会 に浸透していったのでしょう?


バシリカは、バチカン市国の運営において最も重要な建物で、最大のものはバチカン市国の St.PetersBasilica です。


彼らの目的は何でしょう? 単純に、支配することです。でも、どうやって?


この地球上に課せられたルールや呪文は、誰がそれを施行できるかによって決定されます。人間が施行できるルールや法律は、常に腐敗した RULE OF LAW(法の支配)の対象となります。


オバマと民主党が頻繁に "Rule of Law(法の支配)" について話すとき、彼らは地球上を支配してきた非合法な法の支配について、指導者たちに語っているのです。




バシリスク(伝説の怪獣)の蛇のイメージと、ベイルートの爆発/爆風は、聖書の終末の大きな兆候です 。

イタリーゲート = ローマ法王とバチカンの破滅の始まりです。




Currently dismanteling....the Vatican.

The black pope was taken out in may 2020 under operation Europe Defender.

Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order.

1. The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.
2. The Illuminati, Zionists,globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.
3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.
4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits.
5. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are only puppets that carry out Jesuit orders.

The Black pope is THE ANTICHRIST

Why is it significant that the first Black Pope settled in the first foothold of the Arabs/Moors?

The arabs and north africans have always worshipped the #SUN and #SATURN.

Sun worship = #Egyptian beliefs.
Saturn Worship = Islamic beliefs

#Jesuit symbolism is centered around the sacred sun symbols dating back to Nimrod of Nebuchadnezzar.

Now how did sunworshipers infiltrate the #catholic church?

It started with the #Christian hero, Constantine I.
In 400AD Constantine and the Byzantine empire took over PHOENICIA, created a new province that lasted just long enough to legalize "Christianity". The Pagan gods of Rome.
And sun worshipers were united under the newly legal "Christianity" called Roman Catholicism.

Basilicas are the most important buildings in the Vaticans operation with the largest being #StPetersBasilica in the Vatican.

Serpent symbolism is all over the pope especially at the basilicas. St. Peter's Basilica in the vatican the pope literally sits in the mouth of a serpent as the tongue and preaches deception.

WHAT DO THEY WANT? Simple; to rule. But how?

Rules - They create rules that were not originally here on earth. The jesuits have used the #Basilica to deceive man.
They have infiltrated every political, religious and educational realm.

The imposed rules and spells on this earth can be determined by who is able to enforce them. Any rules/laws that can be enforced by man are always subject to corrupt RULE OF LAW.
Since man can always be corrupted by fear and money.

That is why the bible says "Money is the root of all kinds of evil". This corrupt system has corrupted the RULE OF LAW. Meaning that each person is held to the exact same standard as another.

When #Obama & the #democrats frequently talked about the "Rule of Law". They are speaking to their leaders about the illegitimate rule of law that has been ruling over earth.

The Phoenicians were the worlds experts in sea travel and trade. They are now the logistics partners of the Vatican in Human Trafficking and other nefarious items. There are a lot of dots to connect regarding Maritime Law, Birth Certificates & how they are designed to keep.

Think about the symbolism of the ""land" of the dead" (the ocean). The king of the waters (Phoenicia/Ancient Beirut) has enslaved the seed of woman (the Childeren) by a serpent(The Vatican).

The BeirutBlast back in august revealed a massive network of underground tunnels that were not on any city plans. The #BeirutExplosions were a message from Christ the Messiah to Satan. The seed of woman and the christ are crushing the head of the serpent in front of our eyes.

the image of the BASILISK serpent and the #BeirutBlast #Beirut_Explosion are major biblical indications of the end times!

#Italygate = the start of the destruction of the #pope and the #vatican

