


ArduinoやESP32のワンボードマイコン・Raspberry Piに関する電子工学を、0から勉強し始めて、「自立型ロボットやAI開発など、その他諸々を複合的に使いたい」思ってるけど・・・無謀な挑戦と言うのは解ってるけどやるは気満々。





”for English”
Nice to meet you!

I am an old man who will be 48 years old in 2024, and I want to start learning Arduino, ESP32 one-board microcontroller, and Raspberry Pi related electronics from scratch and use them to create autonomous robots, AI development, and other complex applications.... I am very interested in this project. I know it is a reckless challenge. I know it is a reckless challenge, but I want to try. But there is so much information out there that I am not sure where to start. I would be grateful for your comments, suggestions, questions, or how to look up information.

However, I don't want to start talking to people who talk about financial matters since this is a hobby level.... I would rather avoid them. Of course, even though it is at the hobby level, I think one should pay for the "difficulty" and "specifics" of the technology.

If you are familiar or have extensive knowledge in these areas, please contact me! Even though I am a very beginner, I would like to teach you in a way that is easy to understand.

I would also like to have friends to learn and grow with, so please contact me! I would be happy to teach beginners in an easy-to-understand way.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

電子工学勉強中 #超初心者 #自立型ロボット #AI開発 #StudyingElectronics #CompleteBeginner #AutonomousRobotics #AIevelopment
