

「ChatGPT研究所主催の網羅的なChatGPT勉強会 初級編」に参加してChatGPTの基本的な使い方が解ってから、「電子工作や組み込み系・それに付随するプログラム系」などをほぼ的確に教えて貰えるようになったし、助言等もしてくれる。まるで専門家から教えて貰ってる感じ。



English translation----
Participating in the "ChatGPT Study Group for Beginners" helped me to understand the basic usage of ChatGPT, and I was able to learn and get advice on "electronics, embedded systems, and related programs". It is as if I am being taught by an expert.

However, this is where my bad habit came in. I wanted to know what other AIs were out there (;^Ω^) I was trying out some PC-based AIs instead of smartphone-based AIs, and I found one called "Leeton". This Leeton has the ability to create a character AI, and you can set the personality, tone of voice, and what to focus on when answering. These can be set. (Using this function, I created a character AI with the setting of "a girl who likes to talk and loves stories" to try out, and asked it to "create a fiction of the future 30 years from now, as if it exists in the real world, based on myths and folklore without any sense of discomfort". The response was quick. However, the character AI does not have a search engine. Instead, Leeton itself has a search engine, so you can switch to that one and it works fine and is easy to switch to. chatGPT4o also has some limitations, but it is free, so it is a great way to try ChatGPT4o. if you are using ChatGPT4o for free and want to try ChatGPT4o for free and If you are using ChatGPT4o for free and want to remove the restrictions, you may want to subscribe to the official version of ChatGPT4o for a fee.

I know this is a bit off from the electronics related articles, but I really don't know what's right and left, so I thought it would be very useful for my future studies....

*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***
