
































醜い結果になるだろうが、ロシアはトップに立つだろう。太平洋では、中国は台湾を手に入れ、そこで止まるでしょう。NATO を打ち負かすドクトリンは、ヨーロッパでの完全な敗北を意味し、これは 2 つの方法で達成できます。
1. 1. 十分な数の米軍とNATO軍が攻撃範囲に入るまで待ち、それらを消し去り、大量の死傷者を出す。そうすれば、ヨーロッパの複数の国が即座に停戦と和平交渉を要求し、同時に戦術核攻撃でアメリカ本土の基地、電力網、インフラを攻撃することができる。
2. 東欧に十分なNATO軍が駐留する前に、複数の欧州諸国と米国を決定的に攻撃する。





This is absolutely OT but I wanted to share…

Before becoming an accountant, I was a student in a military school in Romania. In my first year, I was sent to the office of a Colonel, which wasn't registered in the school ranks of superior officers.

That Colonel was the head of Information and Security. I was interviewed for about 20 minutes, and after this interview (which I am not going to talk what was about), I sustained a series of tests, for about 3 hours.
At the end of this, I was sent back to continue my normal activities.

After about a week, I was sent back to that Colonel office. He told me that my test results would grant me access to training in Counter Information. If I accept, I will start my training the next day. If not, everything will stop, and I will never be offered this chance again.
I accepted, and I started my training, which was exclusively theoretic. I became part of a team, that was trained in theoretical Counter Information scenarios, on a wide range of situation, most being militarily related, some being theoretical information gathering in foreign countries.

My job in that team was to gather all the information from my colleagues, and present options to a variety of scenarios.I was extremely gifted in this area (compile data and deliver options), and because of that, I was given access to former Warsaw Pact military doctrine, that was not in any military doctrine manuals. I have learned A LOT about scenarios regarding a military conventional conflict between Warsaw Pact and NATO. Did not have access to Russian nuclear doctrine. No country except Russia had this access.

This is was what I did before choosing a civilian path, and became an accountant.

Now, on the the meat of why I believe that we are just about to see a Russia vs NATO war.

Since I was trained in Counter Information, mainly in compiling data, I am pretty well versed in propaganda, both ways, but mainly in recognizing it, and more important, in understanding if it is propaganda or counter-propaganda, which is critical in delivering options to a military superior that uses those option and deciding on the lives of soldiers that he potentially have to sent, at some point in time, under specified conditions, in a certain area, to complete a mission.

The Warsaw Pact conventional military doctrine was always based on a simple FACT : We cannot win a conventional war against NATO, unless we use everything we have and can, outside military operations. We never ever considered any nuclear strikes, be it massive or punctual, regardless of wield, because that was not our job. Our job was to win a conventional war against NATO, without nukes, but using EVERYTHING else.

Russia, at this point in time, have a nuclear doctrine, that nobody knows it. Russia have at its helm a person that is a genius, and I will not present my reasons why I consider Putin a genius, because this alone requires an entire history of WHO Putin is, and how became what he is today.

The Ukraine invasion is not about Ukraine. The Ukraine invasion is the precursor of WW3. Not because people say that, not because Putin is crazy, not because whatever reason. But because of what happened, militarily, in the months before February 22nd.

I cannot present in detail my reasoning, firstly, because I do not know the structure of the units deployed in Ukraine, those that are still not in Ukraine, but waiting to enter (or go towards Baltic countries and Poland), I do not know the munition size and type, so I would absolutely be wrong in my assessment, and secondly, even with what I know, this would be the equivalent of a 20-25 person team presenting planning and options for a massive war, which will require hundreds of pages, and hundreds of man hour work for 20-24 people.

So, I will stick with the main points, and first is that Russia deployed a force that is absolutely overkill for Ukraine, no matter what. I believe that is obvious for everyone.
Secondly, Russia is using disinformation and deception better then anyone else.

While every single army worth its salt will use the same disinformation and deception, Russian have mastered it. From fake retreats, to fake losses, to delivering false information through multiple channels, false information to be presented as a "win" or a "loss" by the enemy, to propaganda and counter propaganda, Russia is currently doing everything possible to win the coming war, conventionally, while having the back-up option to use limited nuclear strikes, for purpose of discouraging , or shocking, or achieving military supremacy in one geographical area and/or a specific military area, like naval or air superiority.

Thirdly, Russia is, apparently, having problems with logistics, especially fuel. Images with "Russian" tanks or APCs "stranded" in some field because lack of fuel are appearing all over internet, and are quickly grabbed by MSM and spammed on TV screens. Russia also lost a lot of hardware, from plans, to tanks, to trucks, etc., and also thousands of casualties. I am sure that they have casualties, I am sure that they lost hardware, but most of the hardware they lost, which we can "see" on videos, lack dead bodies. One would expect dozens of dead bodies when seeing a destroyed Russia convoy. Or would expect UKR to show dozens of prisoners from that "destroyed" Russian convoy. There are no destroyed Russian convoy, in the sense that they actually were destroyed by the enemy strikes. Those destroyed Russian convoys were EMPTY, and left on the road to be destroyed. This serve as great counter-propaganda, and presents a Russian military that can suffer losses at the hand of a much weaker army...and the conclusion is that NATO will mop up the floor with Russia in a conflict, if UKR can do the damage that they BELIEVED they did.

Next, is Russia being unable to conquer certain cities, like Odessa, Mariupol, Kharkiv, etc. Or unable to secure airfields with paratroopers. All these are deceptions. While indeed Russia wants minimal civilian casualties, which they MUST achieve, still doesn't explain why they "can't" secure some cities, unless there are multiple reasons for why they "can't". We know that Azov para and foreign mercs are especially in Odessa and Mariupol, but there is a seizable Azov in Kharkiv as well. I am not saying that Russia's plan will be flawless, because there is no such thing, and mostly because I do not know the structure and number of units deployed, and even if I can ballpark this...I have no idea what Putin and his generals planned for each front and each hour of conflict.

Russia is preparing this war for AT LEAST 10 years. It is a massive task. Not the war against Ukraine, that would take a couple weeks of planning. No, the war against NATO. While in my time there was no such think as cyber-war, I can easily account for, considering it similar with sabotages, but easier to do and with much more impact in the field. Sabotages have mostly psychological impact, but cyber have both. Still, I can account for them.

When preparing for such a war, one needs to KNOW, for sure, who their allies are, who their enemies are, and who will remain neutral / partly neutral / can switch sides / etc. The MASSIVE deception of last night (Kiev assault) was exactly to see WHO does WHAT. For example, Hungary was against sanction. Today, they aren't, and they support full SWIFT Russia disconnect. Bulgaria closed their airspace for Russia before the so-called failure of Kiev assault, but Romania only did it today, AFTER the "failed" Kiev assault. All this means something for Russia. Italy, Germany, Cyprus were also against SWIFT disconnect 2 days ago, but they did 180 yesterday, BEFORE Kiev "failed" assault. This means money was at play, or blackmail, or both. I don't know why they did an 180, but Russia KNOWS exactly why. Again, all this is information, and Russian planners are using it.

There are multiple more other reasons that prove that Russia vs Ukraine is just a simple task of securing YOUR BACK, before you face off NATO. Russia, either intended or not, is making it difficult.

My money are 100% on Russia faking the difficulty, to EMBOLDEN their enemies feel like they can actually do some damage (Ukraine) or win (NATO). Using only a 3rd of their forces, Chechens brought in, Putin "ill", etc. etc., all of this was carefully planed in advance.

What is happening in the world, outside Ukraine, but related to Ukraine, points to a massive clash of superpowers, and I would be a fool to think that Russia didn't planned for that well in advance. It is by the book. If I didn't had my experience (even if it was limited, only 2 years) in Counter Information, and knowledge of Warsaw Pact military doctrine, I would believe that this is Putin's craziness, or his dream of Making Russia Great Again.

It is not.

The impeding war had to happen, because one side wants total control of the world (and this includes Russia, China and India), and the other side wants a REDEFINITION of spheres of influence (Russia and China mainly). Such goals cannot be achieved without war. There were multiple avenues that were taken to solve this redefinition of spheres of influence, but all have failed.

I do not know how the coming war will look like. I do not know who will win it. What I do know is that Russia and China are MUCH BETTER prepared for it then NATO. Europe is absolutely open for grabs. NATO forces here have no chance against Russia, conventionally speaking. It will be ugly, but Russia will come on top. On the Pacific, China will take Taiwan, and will stop there. I do not know where Russia will stop, because the doctrine to beat NATO implies a cvasitotal defeat in Europe, and this can be achieved two ways :
1. Wait until enough U.S. and NATO forces are in strike range, and obliterate them, causing massive casualties, which will instantly make MULTIPLE European countries to ask for ceasefire and peace talks, while in the same hitting the U.S. homeland bases, power grid, infrastructure using tactical nuclear strikes.
2. Strike decisively multiple European countries and the U.S., before there is enough NATO force on Eastern Europe.

Do not know what Russia decides to do. Do not know if NATO will strike first. I just don't know, and nobody knows that.

What I do believe to know will happen next, is tonight and tomorrow. Russia will show that all this crap about "they can't even fuel their tanks", "UKR army is killing them Russian by the thousands", etc. was nothing but a ruse to determine who are their friends, internationally, and to give a false hope to Ukraine and NATO that Russia is actually unable to do much, and clearly not to attack a NATO country.

Monday we could ALL wake up in a very, VERY different world, and highly possible that Russia vs NATO kinetic phase would have already started.
