
Last week, on January 28, the BBC reported that U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Viktor Zelensky discussed a phone call in which Biden warned that there is a "solid possibility" that Russia will invade Ukraine next month.
In addition, Biden told reporters that he would soon send U.S. troops to Eastern Europe and NATO countries, and that he deployed to Eastern Europe and Germany on March 3 this week.
The top uniformed U.S. military officer, Gen. James C. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said, "Given the type of forces that are deployed, it would be a disaster if this were to be launched against Ukraine. There will be mass casualties," he noted.
He added, "You can imagine what the densely populated urban areas and streets would look like. It would be a terrible and tragic situation. There will be needless casualties," he told reporters.

However, as we reported last December, it was George Soros, at the behest of the U.S. State Department and the CIA, who brought about political change in Ukraine, which was originally part of Russia, and turned it into a new U.S. administration. 

After the Ukrainian uprisings that occurred in late February 2014, which were linked to the Color Revolution, the conflict between Ukrainian government forces on the Crimean Peninsula (Autonomous Republic of Crimea) and the Donbass region (Donetsk and Luhansik Oblasts) on the Ukrainian mainland, and pro-Russian armed forces and Russian Federation government forces, without the US, which set it up, Germany and Shortly after a cease-fire agreement was reached, mediated by France, George Soros indignantly responded to the New York Times.
He said that the EU "went the extra mile" when "I created the Ukraine crisis so that we could go to war with Russia." 

This week, FOX News' Tucker Carlson reported, "In Washington, a bipartisan neocon alliance has set out to ignite this conflict. The U.S. foreign affairs establishment has sent hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons into the world's most volatile region, waiting in anticipation for the explosion to happen. It seems that the day is near when that expectation will be fulfilled. An explosion is going to happen, and it will suck the United States into the center of the conflict very easily," he said.

In other words, it is the U.S. neocons who are setting the Ukraine uproar this time.

The "neoconservatives," who forcefully led the war in Iraq, are a bipartisan political ideology that emphasizes liberalism and democracy, prioritizes ideology and ideals over the national and practical interests of the United States, and is not afraid to intervene by force.
Currently, the central neocon figure in the Biden administration is Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary of State whose orders to overthrow the pro-Russian government in Ukraine were once leaked on YouTube.
Her husband is Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who effectively runs the Biden administration and a well-known neocon debater.
The couple has had a cold shoulder during the Trump administration, but they are making a big comeback in the Biden administration.
So now they are rekindling the once-failed Ukraine fiasco and fomenting conflict with Russia.

The neocons have spent years trying to get Ukraine, the cornerstone between East and West, to join forces with the military-industrial complex and join NATO.
But in effect, most of Ukraine is still Russia.

In my own experience, when I was DJing in Ibiza, there was a crowd of migrant dancers from Ukraine, and all the women from Odessa would say, "I am Russian! and chugs a shot of vodka.
On the other hand, there is a club called "Ibiza" in Odessa, Ukraine, where I went to DJ a few times, and that city is basically a Russian economic zone.
It gets up to almost 40 degrees in Odessa in the summer, and there are many vacationers from the Russian mainland, and they all speak Russian, it's practically a Russian city.

Moreover, the far-right Russian mafia called the "Russian Imperial Movement" runs the underworld, which in reality is a militia backed by the Russian government.
They are rooted in considerable numbers, especially in eastern Ukraine, and are even more dangerous than the Russian troops gathered on the border, but they are not very visible.
Last year, the U.S. and Canada designated the Russian Imperial Movement as a "terrorist organization" and created a counter right-wing organization in Ukraine, but it is unable to compete with them in size, and the streets are quite rough at night.

So why does the Biden administration want to set fire to the Russian-controlled Ukraine now?
This is because Biden's approval rating is rapidly declining in the run-up to the U.S. midterm elections to be held this November.

Like Bush during the Iraq war, Biden, who wants to increase his approval rating with the war in Ukraine, plans to enter a "just war" to defend Ukraine and raise his low approval rating going into the midterm elections in November.
To do so, he is teaming up with the neocons and the military-industrial complex to turn Ukraine into a battleground.

According to the BBC this week, February 2, Putin reiterated that the U.S. is trying to draw Russia into the war.
Croatian President Milanovic also accused the U.S. and the U.K. of inciting Ukraine into conflict with Russia.

A war that starts for the convenience of the statesmen.
And the U.S. mass media close to Biden trying to incite and justify it.
The more Biden's approval rating falls, the more chaotic the world will become.
