
Savages proud of their holocaust of Japanese civilians.

These barbarians are proud of their slaughter of Japanese civilians.
May Americans turn to the God of the Bible.
May they learn international law and change from barbarians to civilized people.

The Allies considered the killing of civilians during the Japanese invasion of Nanking in 1937 to be problematic.

The total number of murders recorded in the primary sources, “Nanjing Safety Zone Records,” “Nanjing Incident Documents, U.S. Edition,” “Bautrin Diary,” and “Rabe Diary,” was 94 (total number of victims including duplicates was 2,858). However, 53 were identifiable as civilians. Moreover, it is unclear who killed the civilians.

In 1944, the war-mongering propaganda film The Battle of China, produced by the U.S. Democratic Party, reported that 40,000 people were massacred in Nanking.

This is a 1927 photo of the Guangzhou Kuomintang executing Communist Party members.The images from this event are being used to make it appear as if the Japanese military had murdered Chinese civilians.

The number increased to more than 200,000 at the Tokyo Tribunal in 1946 and jumped to 300,000 the following year at the 1947 Nanjing Military Tribunal.

The manipulation of Christian groups in the U.S. and the promotion of the “Nanking Massacre” was done mainly by the Communist masters.It was the dumb and gullible people called dupes who supported them. More details are in the book at the link.

Is it true that the atomic bomb ended the war?

Japan had made several peace negotiation proposals to end the war, and in January 1945 it made a peace negotiation proposal with the same terms as the August end of the war.
The U.S. government refused to come to the negotiating table, saying that the Japanese people should suffer more because they had spent so much money to develop incendiary bombs and atomic bombs.
Many U.S. soldiers died in the war as a result of this decision by the U.S. government.


According to President Truman's diary entry of July 18, 1945, British Prime Minister Churchill said that the Japanese Emperor “wants peace.
Then, on July 16, he proceeded to drop the atomic bomb after receiving reports of the first successful atomic bomb test. In fact, it was not until July 25, 1945, that President Truman ordered the atomic bombing of Japan.

Savages who do not abide by international law have deceived the dupes with lies.
The American public is inculcated with a mindset that is unthinkable to the average average person, who takes pride in being barbaric.
