
Ascension is a thorough liberation of the third dimension: ・・・・

It's all about energy.

Energy flows from high to low.

Protect your energy.

Establish your boundaries.

I get tired of being with some people.

That's because my energy is flowing to that person.

When energy flows unilaterally from you to the other person, instead of circulating, you feel very tired, depressed, irritated, anxious, uncomfortable, and uncomfortable...

It becomes necessary for me to protect my own energy so that I don't get tired.

If you can physically distance yourself, do so.

If you cannot keep your distance, stop the outflow of your own energy.

This is an imaginary world at first.

Energy is invisible ...

But sensitive people can feel energy.

For example, when you go near someone who is repressing anger, you feel tense energy...

When you are near someone who is repressing negative emotions such as sadness or anxiety, you feel a heavy atmosphere.

When one person enters a room, the room may become brighter and lighter.

On the other hand, when another person enters a room, it can be extremely intimidating and tense...

Which energy is higher?

Higher energy is lighter, brighter, warmer, more comfortable...

We all live with a certain amount of energy unconsciously.

Just because we can't see it doesn't mean we can't deny that it doesn't exist.

When I think of something I am looking forward to or someone I like, my heart feels light and ticklish...

When I think about things I don't like, my mind becomes heavy and I can't enjoy anything...

Energy changes our emotions, our motivation, and the atmosphere of a room in this way, even without our awareness.

But we are not taught how to handle energy.

We only learn about energy in physics, but we rarely hear about how to apply it to our real lives.

Currently, due to solar flares, the earth is being bombarded with higher energy than ever before.

High energy reflects the truth as it is.

When you clean in a dark room, you don't know where the dust is. That is why it is not so clean.

If you clean in a very bright room, you can see the dust in the corners, so it becomes cleaner.

This is actually happening on the earth, even though we cannot see it with our eyes.

When high energy pours down, it brings out the darkness that has been lurking within.

Just as you cannot hide dust in a brightly lit room.

I had understood that this was a light shining on society, bringing into relief what had been hidden.

But in fact, it was not.

The high energy that was pouring down on the earth was actually having a very personal impact on me.

In my case, I had been focusing on the darkness of society, Japan, and politics, but I had to face my own darkness.

Emotions that I had repressed in the past came back to life.

Nothing happened, but for some reason, the anger from the past came rushing back...

Sadness that I had covered up at that time, but now, after all this time, it comes to the surface...

These feelings, which I would prefer not to admit to myself, which I did not even realize I had such childish, negative feelings, came flooding out....

It was so painful that I had to face it anyway, and while immersing myself in those feelings, I was searching for the root cause of them.

Once you know the root cause, you can feel better.

For example, at that time, I didn't have anyone around me to express my honest feelings, I was alone all the time, I was lonely, and I didn't know the cause, so I was misrepresenting those feelings and acting cheerful...and so on.

Anyway, identify the root cause.

And finally I was able to acknowledge the feelings I was having at the time.

The repetition of this went on for several years.

Especially during the period called the Great Gong Junction, from the winter solstice of 2021 to the winter solstice of 2022, I experienced an emotional roller coaster and a lot of practical changes as well.

These two years were truly painful.

It is said that those who ascend in this lifetime will dissolve all karma.

Karma is cause and effect, and this goes back to past lives.

Although we don't remember it, something negative we emitted in a past life may come back to us in this life.

Those who ascend in this life have the greatest role of leading the Earth's ascension, so they release their own karma as soon as possible.

So, around 2020, some people lose everything ...

Specifically, relationships, family, jobs, money, houses, cars, etc.

Almost everything in their lives will be lost or drastically changed...

When switching from the old to the new, the old has to be thoroughly discarded once.

Just like with decluttering, if you don't get rid of it, there is no space for new things to come in.

Oh, even this stuff...

Even this kind of thing ・・・・ thoroughly leaves you.

It is a very painful time.

Things that have been taken for granted are leaving you without resistance.

However, if we do not overcome this, we will not be able to live on the new 5th dimensional earth.

You cannot go to the 5th dimension with the things you have taken for granted so far in the 3rd dimension still clutched in your hands.

If you really want to live in the 5th dimension, you must be prepared to let go of everything from the 3rd dimension.

And I will deal with this overflowing of my negative emotions by myself.

Don't fool yourself about your feelings, but accept them as they are.

You were really hurt when you were a child, feelings you never realized you had before.

You can cry as hard as you want, or you can write them down on a piece of paper and throw them away.

In this way, you accept your past hurt.

Not one or two past hurts, traumas...

I wondered when I would be able to accept all of myself,

It goes on for years...

Still, I create and live in the world I want to experience...

A relationship where we can safely connect with one another in a genuine and honest way, without lying...

Energy deprivation, competition, vanity, pretending to be something you are not, putting on a mask, conforming to others, being wrapped up in the long run....

If you are fed up with such a world and want to live in the 5th dimension, a more conscious and completely new world, it is a rite of passage to let go of all the 3rd dimension.

Which world do you want?
