
The May 15th X8.79 was larger than the previous four flares combined ❗️ We are strengthened and supported 💙

Dear Lightworkers, We have just experienced a massive upgrade.

It has brought Ascension closer.

We experienced a massive solar storm.

And that's what it brought.

The signs of ascension are very beautiful upgrades.

It is a big question that everyone will ask themselves.

These are the results of this, but before we get into the meat of it, let's talk about what happened.

We just experienced a huge solar storm.

The sun turned out to be right.

The sun is the stargate.

Through that stargate, we receive the love of the universe, which is the love of God that is poured out.

The organic universe is being brought into our realm on the planet filtered through all the cracks in the false matrix.

The magnetic field of the planet is shrinking and the magnetic field is becoming weaker and weaker.

This means that more cosmic light is being poured onto the planet, and it is exactly the same thing that happens on the physical level as well.

Your electromagnetic field is taking in so much cosmic light that it is touching your skin and it is striking you.

You can even inhale it directly into your body and Kyushu it into your cells.

That is its nature.

Never before in our current interaction has pure cosmic light come in so explosively without warning, and that is wonderful.

We will have many more experiences interacting with cosmic light in the future.

Most of it will come through the sun.

From the sun, we are letting the light codes of the organic universe flow into this reality into our creation template.

From that portal, in other words, lightworkers were accustomed to carrying light that held the frequencies that stabilized the collective reality.

That is what we, as lightworkers, have done.

The position taken by the lightworkers was once the position taken by the multidimensional beings who intervened in the galaxy, in other words, when humanity failed to manifest itself at the moment of readiness.

And the galaxy has graciously given us the reins to be able to govern our ascension journey.

And that is what the lightworkers have done.

This massive solar storm that came was an explosion of light from the ascending universe.

Lightworkers enhanced the light.

Lightworkers upgraded it so that it could spill over into the collective.

Lightworkers were accustomed to holding the highest frequencies on Earth, but suddenly a higher frequency than the lightworkers held appeared, and the challenge then was to readjust.

The cosmic light is higher than the lightworker's totality, so it is a matter of rebalancing.

So the lightworker was challenged in a beautiful way to step into the higher light and overcome barriers and blocks, but none of the bells and whistles of all this.

It happened on a spiritual level.

It did not happen on a linear intellectual level.

Because that would have slowed everything down ...

Can you imagine well?

I don't know if I am ready for this.

And I don't know if I can do it all.

Let's go through the whole analysis process of it all and where it came from and why we have this block and for the next 10 years we will analyze it thoroughly.

Well, we don't have time for that, because once we get this, the huge explosion of solar activity will melt all the blockages so fast that the brain will not be able to understand, keep up, or analyze, and we will not only be enhanced, we will be upgraded, we will be confused We are not only enhanced, we are upgraded and confused.

We just let go.

All we know is that we are higher than before on a higher frequency energy level.

Remember that the two major influences on everyone, not just lightworkers, are the rebalancing and the inviting influences.

However, since lightworkers receive the light code first, we integrate all this incoming consciousness, assimilate and accept all of this, and realize that I have now received an invitation to step into a higher version of myself.

That is the invitation.

I have now been issued an invitation to readjust to the higher version of me.

The higher version of me is now calling me toward it.

We have always been in pursuit of a higher self.

Or how can I get there?

The same higher self, how do I get to God, how do I get to my guides, how do I get to higher dimensional consciousness, all of that is calling us into ourselves now, and it is already attracting us almost like a magnetic force, and this is creating a path.

This is not without its difficulties, of course, but it does mean that the path is clearer and more direct, as if a magnetic force is pulling you into 5D.

It is drawing you into Ascension ...

Questions that very many will ask themselves, will I be able to do it, will I be good enough, I don't know if I can do it.

What if I fail, all these questions ultimately come down to, what if I can't do it?

It is not in me, and I will fail to ascend.

This comes from fear, and this is the fear of Atlantis.

This is where Atlantis felt just before the ascension point, and we carry it within us as anxiety and hesitation.

And old-fashioned fear, I have experienced this before.

So close, it was there before ...

What a difference now ...

I had never received this level of support, an unprecedented level of support outside of the chart, until this level of support came along.

It is whispering in the ears of the lightworkers, and I keep telling the lightworkers, "This is where the light goes first.

I keep telling lightworkers, "This is where the light goes first.

The light goes to the lightworkers and then it is integrated and ripples out.

Whispers, you are caught.

You have this.

You are strengthened.

You are supported.

It is becoming the norm.

The level of support coming in will challenge you.

But receiving it will require you to be very receptive.

Be very open, very surrendered.

Give yourself a moment of sacred silence.

New energy, let's do it now.

Let us do a little of this time together.

An invitation to the higher realms is being extended to you.

Wherever you are, your own Higher Self is calling you toward yourself.

You now need to regain balance on a level you have never accessed before.

You have to step up really quickly because the light of the universe is now higher than where you were used to operating, but the beautiful part is that your body knows how to do this.

Ascension symptoms are felt in balance, so your ears, head, and pressure are being asked to do this.

Whatever is asking you to return to balance, perhaps what you experience when you are returning to balance is the body shedding the traces of the past.

You must let it go in order to be here now.

You are able to step into a higher version of yourself.

You do not do this with your brain; you do it with your body.

I keep saying it.

It will sink in one day.

You are going to surrender to your body.

That's okay.

I do not analyze my path to ascension.

I allow my path.

And that is what my body is equipped to do.

In a way, you can just testify.

And by testifying in that mode, you stop interfering because you stop interfering.

That is the part.

The brain that wants to control the process cannot control the process that slows everything down.

And if you can get beyond that, you can move beyond where you are.

You can make quantum jumps beyond where you are now.

So now the energy is asking for a rebalancing.

And I've noticed that people are telling me about a lot of old symptoms, like the presbyopia issue.

And it was about old tendencies they had to get.

I get headaches every day ...

Suddenly you get headaches every day.

It is different for everyone, but there is a readjustment of balance at the physical level, and generally the ascension symptoms can be dealt with very quickly.

I don't want people to think that ascension symptoms should cripple you for a little while longer, but they should last forever.

Because that will never happen ...

You are given every opportunity to get out of the old state, so allow.

Just allow.

Allow every step.

The deeper you do it, the deeper you move into the state, the easier it is to embrace the light and embody being a ripple, but how do you know if you are a lightworker if you are listening to this?

For you, a lightworker, working with light is very simple.

Lightworkers do not work as your job, only more often.

This is something you interact with.

There is no room left to complicate the simple any further.

And ascension is a simple process.

It is a process of learning how to let the energies that now surround you embrace you.

You uplift you.

It loves you.

There is this wonderful dance.

The light that the lightworkers were emitting and beginning to ripple has reached a point.

And it allowed the sun to explode its solar flare onto the scene to answer its invitation that it did not even know the lightworkers were sending to the sun, so the lightworkers began to dance, the sun responded and the sun began its version of the dance.

As it dances, the lightworkers take up and capture that light, and then the dance begins, and the whales begin to sing a different song, but it is a completely different conversation, but this is what happens when the light chords come in.

It affects everything, not just the Lightworker.

On Earth, it affects everything on Earth that holds consciousness.

We are beginning to embark on a sacred dance.

And this sacred dance will continue.

What is really important to note is that that massive solar flare a few days ago was one solar flare, but it was larger than the previous four solar flares combined.

What would have happened to us if it had hit us directly?

But it didn't.

It was just the starting edge.

In other words, the sun always moves this, just as its sunspot group was out of range of the collision facing the earth.

Even when we are not ready to move our bodies and hold higher frequencies, the sun continues to do this almost as if it were going forward.

Ok, I will continue onward.

It will either move on to the next group of planets or come back again and do so.

These solar flares will become more frequent and even amplified.

But our ability to respond to them now, that is what comes online.

That is what we are learning for the first time.

Because we were used to leading as lightworkers.

That's what we are doing.

Leading the Ascension was something we had to do, we had to take on that role and we were not willing to do that role.

We never realized that it was okay.

We are strengthened.

We are supported.

We are supported.

How much love, how much light can we let in?

How much good can this do?

Ask yourself these questions and feel how it expands.

Join the tribe of plasma light.

That is where I actually teach the ascension journey on a very deep and powerful level.

Thank you.

Kerry K
