
Special tests of a rotator cuff injury

<special tests to assess whether a patient has a rotator cuff injury or not>
1.) Painful arc sign
From the resting arm position, the patient actively abducts his arm. And if the patient experiences pain between 60-120 degrees and that pain disappears once he abducts his arm more than 120 degrees, then that means the test is positive which indicates rotator cuff injury.

2) Drop arm sign
Initial position: 90 degrees SH abduction. The patient is asked to hold that position and inability to do so indicates a (+) rotator cuff tear.

3) Tenderness at the greater tuberosity.

4) Lift-off test - The patient is asked to bring the arm behind the back with his palm facing outwards. Then the patient is asked to lift off his hand from his bac. If the patient complains of SH pain.. then that means the test is positive which indicates rotator cuff injury specifically of the subscapularis muscle

5) Bear hug test - the patient is asked to place the palm of the involved/affected side to the opposite shoulder with the fingers extended posteriorly and the elbow anterior to the body and then the therapist pushes the elbow of the patient posteriorly.

6) Belly press test - The patient sits or stands with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, with the palm of the hand on the upper abdomen, just below the xiphoid process. The patient is asked to press the palm of the hand against the abdomen, through shoulder internal rotation
The test is positive for subscapularis muscle dysfunction if the patient compensates the movement through started wrist flexion, shoulder adduction, and shoulder extension.
