
ボキャビル002:'feature' について

昨日に引き続き Japantimes alpha からの勉強です。今日は feature。

'Feature' は、名詞として使われる場合、「特徴」や「特性」、または「機能」を意味します。動詞として使われると、「特徴を持つ」や「特集する」という意味になります。例えば、新しい製品が特定の機能を持っている場合、その機能が「feature」として言及されます。

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a famous bakery called "Sweet Delights." The bakery was known for its delicious pastries and innovative recipes. One day, they decided to create a new dessert that would become their signature dish. The head chef, Maria, came up with a unique cake that featured layers of chocolate, caramel, and vanilla. This cake's most outstanding feature was its surprise center, filled with fresh strawberries and cream.


When the bakery decided to feature this cake in their promotional campaign, they invited food critics and local influencers to a special tasting event. "This new cake features a combination of classic flavors with a modern twist," Maria explained. "Its hidden center is what makes it truly special."


The guests were amazed. One critic wrote, "The standout feature of this cake is its delightful surprise center. It’s a perfect blend of tradition and innovation." The cake quickly became a hit, and people from neighboring towns came to taste this extraordinary dessert. Sweet Delights' new creation proved that sometimes, a unique feature could turn a good product into a great one.



'Feature' は非常によく使われる単語であり、特に技術や製品の説明、メディアの特集記事などで頻繁に見かけます。日常会話でも、特定の特徴や特性について話す際に使われることが多いです。


  • "This app features a user-friendly interface."

    • このアプリは使いやすいインターフェースを備えています。

  • "What are the main features of this software?"

    • このソフトウェアの主な特徴は何ですか?

'Feature' を理解し使いこなすことで、英語の表現力が向上し、特に製品やサービスの説明をする際に役立ちます。ぜひ、日常の会話やビジネスシーンで積極的に使ってみてください。
