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Weekly Message-The new wineskin- the apostolic church! (Vision message-3)

Dear victorious saints!

Jesus told us that He will build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Mt.16:18). The gates of hell prevail when there is no church that overcomes. Jesus told the apostles that He will give them the keys of the Kingdom (Mt.16:19). By these keys, the apostles can allow things on the earth, and also forbid things on the earth. Jesus gave the apostles power to change territories. Heaven moves when we say what King Jesus is saying.

This week we want to see 5 key points of an apostolic church from Matthew 18:18-20.

1. The binding and loosing operates in the apostolic church where Jesus manifests (v.20).

Jesus told us that we can bind and loose because He will come in to the place where two or three gather in His name.

2. It is enough for just two to agree on the earth for the Father God to move in the apostolic church in the earth realm (v.19). 

Many think that God will not move until more than 1000 or more agree but that is not what Jesus said. Only two people in agreement will cause God to pour out His Glory!

3. The apostolic church agrees to what Jesus wants to do. 

Why does the church exist? To bring God's Kingdom into our territories. The ministry of Jesus has never changed. The church that Jesus dwells in teaches the Kingdom of God, brings deliverance to the saved, and also brings healing to the body of Christ.

4. The apostolic church gathers in the name of Jesus and not in our own names (v.20). 

Gathering in the name of Jesus means that we obey Jesus when He comes into our apostolic church meetings. Jesus comes to our meetings as we give God thanksgiving and praise. Then comes the time when Jesus manifests His presence by His Holy Spirit. When Jesus comes to our meetings, we must allow Him to lead.

5. The apostolic church keeps the manifest presence of God (v.20).

The normal service in an apostolic church is that the presence of Jesus becomes the reason for coming to a church service.

I am looking forward to coming to Tokyo Apostolic School this Saturday to teach on all the ways God speaks to us. 

I will be coming to Tokyo Church of Praise on Sunday morning to speak about what God is saying in this season. 

On Sunday afternoon I will be going to Kanagawa Apostolic School to finish teaching on faith that overcomes sin, sickness, and poverty!

All for the Double Blessing!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
