

親愛なる 祝福された聖徒の皆様!

















使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

写真はエルサレムのUpper Room (二階の間、最後の晩餐の部屋)で撮影!

Weekly Teaching-Apostolic Church lives to do the will of God!

Dear blessed saints!

 The Lord is till teaching us about the church that He is building. We must learn to build the church according to God's pattern. Apostle Paul told us that the church must hear what God is saying so that we can see God's work established in our lives (1 Cor.14:3). Jesus said that He only did what His Father said and did what He saw the Father do (John 5:30). Even now Jesus obeys the Father and the Holy Spirit obeys the Son of God.

The Church, which is the body of Christ, must also learn to obey the will of the Father.

The church must hear what God is saying as we gather together. 

Here are 4 key points concerning the prophetic revelation in an apostolic church meeting.

1. For the apostolic church service to be built up, the Bible tells us that we need prophecy (1 Cor.14:3-6).
Every prophetic revelation causes the church to grow. Prophecy is what Jesus speaks to His church (Rev.3:13). Every week we must listen to what the Head of the Church will say from the Church in Heavenly Jerusalem.

2. Apostle Paul told us that there needs to be 2 or 3 prophets in an apostolic church service that gives prophetic revelation (1 Cor.14:29).
Some translation says, "one who prophesies", but the word translates "prophets". Church receives revelation from apostles and prophets (Ephesians 3:5). In the apostolic church meeting, God sets apostles first and prophets second (1 Cor.12:28). To extend God's Kingdom, we need to hear God's prophetic message.

3. Jesus now lives unto God the Father (Rom.6:11).
Jesus now forever lives to make intercession for God's people (Heb.7:25). The apostolic church chooses to intercede with Jesus. The earth must hear what God is saying now. When Jesus comes to our church meetings, He comes to do the will of God and He comes to speak what God the Father is saying. Jesus comes to feed us the fresh manna from Heaven (Mt.4:4).

4. The apostolic church is called to declare God's voice to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Eph.3:10).
When we speak God's words in a church meeting, it changes the spiritual realm. The key here is that this is done in an apostolic church meeting! The Kingdom of Satan is defeated when we come together and declare the prophetic revelation through songs, prayer, and the message (Mt.8:5-13).

 I am looking forward to coming to Tokyo Apostolic School this Saturday to finish teaching on "All the ways God speaks to us". I will be teaching on visions, dreams, prophecy, and on prophetic impressions. I will be sharing what God is saying in this season at Tokyo Church of Praise on Sunday morning. I will be starting a brand new teaching on "God's Kingdom Calendar" in Kanagawa apostolic school on Sunday afternoon.

Apostolic declaration:
In the name of Jesus, I declare a new peace in my life. Everything good within me will flow like a river out of my belly. I bless every church. I declare that the double blessing will manifest in every church. I will activate all my blessings with my voice!

All for the will of the Father!
apostle Gaius Lawrence

