




私たちは『天の法廷の10 の声』について学びます。



1. イエスは啓示の“岩”の上に建てておられます(マタイ16:18)

- “岩”とは、ペテロが天におられる父から啓示を受けた後にペテロの告白の言葉です(マタイ16:17)。

- イエスはご自分の教会に7回、ご自身が聖霊によって諸教会に告げることを聞きなさいと言っておられます(黙2章〜3章)。

- 天におられる私たちの父は、ハデスと死の声を滅ぼす啓示を私たちに与えることができます。

2. イエスはご自身の臨在によって、ご自分の教会を建てられます (マタイ16:18)

- イエスは教会の唯一のかしらです。イエスは、ご自分の教会のリーダーなのです! イエスはご自分の教会を取り戻したいのです!

- イエスはご自分の声によって導くだけではなく、イエスはご自分の臨在によっても導いておられます。私たちは毎日、私たちの人生にイエスの臨在を歓迎しなければなりません!

- 教会の礼拝の中のイエスの臨在は、私たちの人生の中で一番重要な必要の一つであります。神の栄光はどこにあるのでしょう?

3. イエスはご自身の油注ぎによって、ご自分の教会を建てられます(マタイ16:16)

- イエスこそ、キリストであられます! 私たちが神の力のうちに歩むことができるよう、イエスは私たちを油注いでくださいます。

- 私たちに神の力が臨むのは、私たちがハデスのしわざを滅ぼすことができるようになるためです。ハデスの霊に私たちが打ち勝つ時が来ました!

使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-How Jesus and the Church overcomes the spirit of Hades!

Dear victorious saints!

I had a wonderful time in Yamagata and also in Tokyo. The Lord is speaking to us about how much authority we have in our lives.
We can overcome the Gates of Hades! I am excited to have apostle Robert Henderson come to Japan from this Saturday. We will learn about the 10 voices in the Courtroom of Heaven.
We must understand how the Courtroom of Heaven works so that we can receive everything God has promised our lives.

Jesus told us that He will build His church (“believers”) and the gates of hell (Hades) will not prevail against it (Mt.16:18).

Here are 3 ways Jesus overcomes the spirit of Hades:

1.Jesus builds upon the “Rock” of Revelation (Mt.16:18).

- The “rock” is the confession Peter made after he received a revelation from the Father in Heaven (v.17).

-Jesus tells His church 7 times to listen to what He is saying to the churches through the Holy Spirit (Rev.2-3).

-Our Father in Heaven can give us revelation that will destroy the voices of Hades and Death.

2.Jesus builds His church by His presence (v.18)

-Jesus is the only Head of the Church. Jesus is the Leader of His church! Jesus wants His church back!

-Jesus leads not just by His voice, but He also leads by His presence. We must welcome His presence in our lives daily!

-The presence of Jesus in a church service is one of the greatest need in our lives. Where is the Glory of God?

3.Jesus builds His Church by His anointing (v.16)

-Jesus is the Christ! Christ means the anointed one. Jesus anoints us so that we can walk in the power of God.

-The power of God comes upon us so that we can destroy the works of Hades. It is time for us to overcome the spirit of Hades!

All for the manifestation of King Jesus!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
