

親愛なる 使徒的な聖徒の皆様!


教会は使徒と預言者の上に建てられています(エペソ2:20)。 神は教会の中で第1に使徒を置きました(1コリント12:28)。

















異言は、私たちが神と直接話すようにさせます(1コリント14:2)。異言で祈ったり、歌ったりすると、私たちは国々をいやす神の川の中へと移ります(ヨハネ7:38,39; 黙示録22:1-2)。









使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message- 5 things we see in an apostolic church meeting

Dear apostolic saints!

I want to thank everyone who prayed for me as I went to Kagawa and Yamaguchi. In both places I explained about apostles and the apostolic ministry. The church is built on apostles and prophets (Ephesins 2:20). God has chosen to set apostles first in the church (1 Cor.12:28). An apostle is not a prophet, pastor, teacher, or an evangelist. An apostle is a gift to the body of Christ to establish the Kingdom of God.

The Lord is concentrating in this season for us to focus on the church. In 1 Corinthians 14:26, apostle Paul speaks of 5 things we should see Jesus do in a church meeting.

1. An apostolic church has new praise or new psalm that comes from Jesus. The main reason we come to church is not just to praise the Lord. An apostolic church opens up to the song that Jesus is singing. Hebrews 2:12 says, "I will declare your name unto my brothers, and in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto You". Jesus sings to the Father in our church meetings. The Lord by the Spirit leads and sings through the praise team to bring us into the river of God.

2. An apostolic church has Jesus teaching through the main preacher. The teaching is not just for head knowledge, but it is to listen to certain topics that we need to know for the week. Jesus teaches us every week through the preaching that will help us live in victory. Words of knowledge and words of wisdom will flow through the preacher that will answer many questions people have in the service.

3. An apostolic church allows the Holy Spirit to pray and sing in tongues. Tongues can be used privately, and tongues is also used in a public meeting (1 Cor.14:18,19). Apostle Paul tells us that when we pray or sing in tongues in a church meeting, we need to pray for interpretation (1 Cor.14:13,15). Tongues causes us to speak directly unto God (1 Cor.14:2). Praying and singing in tongues causes us to move into the river of God which heals the nations (John 7:38,39; Rev.22:1-2).

4. An apostolic church has revelation from Jesus. Revelation means that there will be key revelations that will come in a service that will cause us to be edified. We must move weekly from one revelation to another revelation.

5. An apostolic church has an interpretation of what Jesus is saying, and what Jesus is praying in the Throne Room. Tongues and Interpretation in a church moves us into the ministry of the intercession of Jesus Christ. Jesus intercedes through the Church to declare and manifest the Kingdom of God on the earth. What Jesus is saying, we must speak it on the earth. God's will becomes our dwelling place.

We must now pray fervently until April 2nd to see the manifestation of the apostolic centers and apostolic churches in Japan. The Lord is going to manifest His apostolic movement as we pray and declare the word of the Lord. New wine needs new wineskin!

All for the intercession of Jesus Christ!

apostle Gaius Lawrence

