













1.私たちは豊かさを享受するために、神の約束を宣言する必要があります (マルコ11:23〜24)。







-油注ぎは、豊かさのうちに歩むために私たちが知るべき全てのことを示してくれます(1ヨハネ2:20, 27)。

3.私たちは豊かさと繁栄を見るために、自分の思いを一新しなければなりません (ローマ12:1〜2)。




4.豊かさの祝福を見るためには、私たちは全ての呪いを砕く必要があります (ガラテヤ3:13〜14)。

-多くの信者たちは依然として のろわれています(成功していない)。彼らが祝福(成功)の福音を信じていないからです。

-私たちの口は、自分自身や他の人々に語ってしまった全ての呪いの言葉をキャンセルしなければなりません (ヤコブ 3:10)。


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-4 ways to plan for the Year of Abundance!

Dear victorious saints!

We are in the beginning of the new year 5783, and this is a season to receive vision for the new year.

We know that it will be a year of abundance, success and provision from the Hebrew Calendar.

But we must all individually have a clear vision for abundance and success!

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keeps the law, happy is he.”

The Hebrew word for vision is, “chazown”, which means mental sight, a dream, and revelation.

This word comes from “chazah”, which means to “contemplate, perceive, and to see”.

Our mind must be thinking about our future for success and abundance in every realm.

God will provide! (Phil4:19)

James 2:17 says, “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead”.

Our actions causes us to manifest the promises of God for abundance.

Here are 4 things we should start doing.

1.We need to declare the promises of God for abundance (Mk.11:23,24)

-Our faith for abundance is released through words.

-Our words for abundance must be specific.

-We must believe that what we say about abundance will happen.

2.We need to receive the anointing for the new year of abundance (Luke 24:29; Acts 1;8).

-The anointing is needed to do what God has called us to do.

-The anointing of power comes as we become full of the Holy Spirit.

-The anointing reveals everything we need to know to walk in abundance (1 John 2:20,27).

3.We need to renew our mind to see abundance and prosperity (Roma.12:1,2)

-As Satan gives us poverty (failure) thoughts, the Holy Spirit gives us the mind of abundance (success).

-We become the way we think. Our brain must be delivered from Satanic visions.

-If we do not resist Satan, territorial spirits and demons, we can not experience Kingdom abundance ad success.

4.We need to break every curse to see the blessings of abundance (Gal.3:13,14)

-Many believers are still cursed (no success) because they do not believe the gospel of blessings (success).

-Our mouth must cancel all the words of curses that we have spoken to ourselves and to others. (James 3:10)

-We must also daily cancel words of curses that come from people, demons, territorial spirits, and Satan (Eph.6:16).

All for the Year of Abundance!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
