



教会の礼拝に どのようにして神の臨在が望むのかについて教えることは、素晴らしい体験でした。

神は私たちを祝福したいと願っておられます! 神は私たちに、完全で良い贈り物や賜物を与えたいと願っておられるのです(ヤコブ1:17)。



1. イエスは、ご自分がその教会を建てると言われました(マタイ16:18)

- イエスはご自身の啓示によって、その教会をお建てになります。イエスは大牧者であり、イエスはご自分の民に語りたいと願っておられます。

- 天からの啓示は私たちを、主にあって成長させるようにします。イエスは教え、預言をし、またイエスは私たちに助言も与えます。

2. イエス・キリストは、教会のかしらであられます(エペソ1:22-23; 4:15)。

- 今、地上において、教会のかしらである者は誰一人としていません。

- イエスが かしらであられるので、どのような集会になるのかをご自身が決める権限を持っておられます。

3. イエスは 私たちがイエスの名において集まる時に、ご自身がその中におられるとも言われました(マタイ18:20)

- イエスは、私たちがイエスのために集会を行なうなら、ご自身が教会の集会の中に来られると言われました!

- イエスの臨在は 私たちが感謝と賛美をもって近づくなら、現われることができます。

- 私たちを自由にするのは、主の歌なのです。主の歌は他の人々をも自由にすることができます。


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-How to experience Jesus at church!

Dear praising saints!

I want to thank everyone who prayed for me as I went to Church of Praise Tohoku in Yamagata and Church of Praise Tokyo.

It was great teaching on how the presence of God comes to a church service. God wants to inhabit our praises (Ps.22:3).
God wants to manifest Himself and give us gifts while we are at a church service.

I also taught on how to walk in the blessings of God in Tokyo.
God wants to bless us! God wants to give us perfect and good gifts (James 1:17).

The church of Jesus belongs to Jesus and we want to be in His church.

We all want to connect to Jesus. So how do we connect to Jesus at church?

1. Jesus said that He will build His church (Mt.16:18).

・Jesus builds His church by His revelation. Jesus is the Chief Shepherd and He wants to speak to His people.
・Revelation from Heaven causes us to grow in the Lord. Jesus teaches, prophecies, and Jesus also counsels us.

2. Jesus Christ is the Head of the church (Ephe.1:22-23; 4:15).

・There is no one that is the head of the church on the earth right now. Some might think that, but it is not true. Jesus is leading His church by His Holy Spirit.
・Jesus is the head so He gets to decide what kind of meeting it will be. Jesus should be able to teach and prophecy through His leaders in a church meeting.

3. Jesus also said that when we gather together in His name, He will be in our midst (Mt.18:20).

・Jesus said that He will come to a church meeting if we do the meeting for Him! When we gather to meet the head of the Church, then He comes!
・The presence of Jesus can manifest if we draw near with thanksgiving and praise. When praise leads to the presence of God, then the apostolic, prophetic songs begin.
・ It is the songs of the Lord that sets us free, and it can also set other people free.

Let us come into the tent of God, the church of God, the House of God and become a place where God can visit and manifest Himself!

All for the presence of God!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
