
Learning English



English Listening Beginner Unit2 Lesson1to5 Japanese Language Script

English Listening Comprehension - Getting English Directions ●●● Script ●●● A woman is looking for a bus stop. She asks a man where one is. Where is the bus stop? Excuse me, do you know if there's a bus stop near here? Yes, one is very cl

English Listening Beginner - At the Jewelry Store in the USA - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script

英語リスニング初級編 - アメリカの宝石店で - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - 日本語訳 Recommend that you understand with the images and sounds as much as possible. Use the script below only if you can't understand it by any means. (できるかぎりイメージと音声で理解することをお

English Listening Comprehension - Rearranging the Office in the USA - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script

英語リスニング初級編 - アメリカでのオフィスの配置替え - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script Recommend that you understand with the images and sounds as much as possible. Use the script below only if you can't understand it by any mean

English Listening Comprehension - Getting Some Groceries in the USA - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script

英語リスニング初級編 - 食料品の買い物 - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script Recommend that you understand with the images and sounds as much as possible. Use the script below only if you can't understand it by any means. (できるか

English Listening Comprehension - Listening to an English Forecast - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script

英語リスニング初級編 - 英語の天気予報を聞く - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script ----- Script ----- You're listening to the weather forecast. あなたは天気予報を聞いています What's the forecast? 予報は? We'll have sunny weather all through

English Listening Comprehension - Discussing a New Design in English - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script

英語リスニング初級編 - 新しいデザインを英語で議論する - Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - Japanese Language Script ----- Script ----- A man and woman are talking about the design of the company business card. 男性と女性が会社の名刺のデザインについて話しています Which design did

Easy English Describing People, Places and Things Japanese Language Script

Hi Mom! Hi Dad! ママ!パパ! Hi! Denise! It's so good to see you! ハイ!デニス!会えて嬉しいわ! How are you, sweetheart? 元気だった? I'm fine, I miss you both so much. 元気よ 会えなくて寂しいわ。 We miss you, too, honey. 私たちもだよ。 How do you like your new apartment? 新し

Easy English At the Restaurant Conversation Japanese Language Script

Hello! how can I help you? いらっしゃいませ。 Hello! I would like a table for four, please. 4人掛けのテーブルでお願いします。 Of course. Please follow me! 承知しました。こちらへどうぞ! Here is a table for four. こちらです。 Thank you! ありがとう! Could you give us the menu, pleas

Easy English What Did You Do? Simple Past Tense Japanese Language Script

Did you have a good weekend, Monica? 週末はどうだった?モニカ Yeah, it was great! ええ、最高だったわ! So what did you do? そうなんだ 何したの? On Saturday, I went to the theatre with my parents. 土曜日は両親と一緒に劇場に行ったわ。 What play did you see? 何のお芝居を見たの? I saw Cinder

Easy English Nice to meet you! How to Introduce People in English Japanese Language Script

Welcome to the neighborhood! ご近所へようこそ! Thank you! ありがとう! I'm John, your neighbor next door. 隣のジョンです。 It's nice to meet you, John. I'm Alex. 初めまして、ジョン。私はアレックス。 This is my wife, Emma and there are my children. 妻のエマと子供たちです。 I'm very

Easy English Introducing Yourself in English and Meeting New People / Japanese Language Script

Hi. My name is Lizzie and I'm five years old. I am in kindergarten and I have much fun every day. I love the stories our teacher tells us and I love my friends. こんにちは、私の名前はリジー、5歳です。私は幼稚園に通っていて、毎日とても楽しいです。私は先生が話してくれるお話が大好きで、お友達も大好きです。 I wa

Easy English Talking about Your Hometown in English Japanese Language Script

Hi. My name is Alex and I live in a small village situated in the western part of Austria, in a large valley at the foot of the mountains. こんにちは、私の名前はアレックスです。私はオーストリア西部の、山の麓の大きな谷間にある小さな村に住んでいます。 People here are very friendly and we all kn

Easy English Asking for and Giving Directions Japanese Language Script

This is our hotel. Let's go inside. ここが私たちのホテルだ 入ろう Hello. こんにちは Good afternoon! How may I help you? こんにちは!何かご用でしょうか? We'd like to check in, please. チェックインをお願いします Certainly. Do you have a reservation? かしこまりました ご予約はありますか? Yes, It's

Learn English with EnglishClass101.com 150 Phrases Every English Beginner Must Know Japanese Language Script

He is leaving now. 彼 今出るとこ Let's leave in 20 minutes. 20分後に出よう Can you leave around 6? 6時頃には出れる? It's noon. お昼です It's 3 o'clock. 3時です It ends in thirty minutes. 30分で終わるよ It's almost dusk. もう日が暮れるよ Be here before noon. 昼までに来てね