
Learning English



Easy English Describing People, Places and Things Japanese Language Script

Hi Mom! Hi Dad! ママ!パパ! Hi! Denise! It's so good to see you! ハイ!デニス!会えて嬉しいわ! How are you, sweetheart? 元気だった? I'm fine, I miss you both so much. 元気よ 会えなくて寂しいわ。 We miss you, too, honey. 私たちもだよ。 How do you like your new apartment? 新し

Easy English At the Restaurant Conversation Japanese Language Script

Hello! how can I help you? いらっしゃいませ。 Hello! I would like a table for four, please. 4人掛けのテーブルでお願いします。 Of course. Please follow me! 承知しました。こちらへどうぞ! Here is a table for four. こちらです。 Thank you! ありがとう! Could you give us the menu, pleas