
First week in 🇺🇸

I have already spent 2 weeks, but I'm gonna write a diary from now.
I have no courage to write well, but I want to challenge myself to write a detailed diary about studying abroad to remember all things in America after I come back to Japan.

On the first day, it took 19 hours from Haneda in Japan to Kansas. However, I had a fever while I was coming to the US! I thought, "Am I going to die?" so, I could not have a fun time on a long flight and eat anything. Also, I would cling to the toilet in transit due to sickness. Finally, despite the flight delay, I could arrive at Kansas Airport as planned. One of my friends who is an exchange student at my university picked me up at the airport. There was a long story, I started my new life in the US with a worse start. 


I have been staying at Lawrence of Kansas University of Kansas(KU) in the same space that is 85 times the size of the Tokyo dome, a scale that is serious… 
In summer the temperature is 18℃ー30℃, sometimes it is 32 ℃ in the morning and 43℃ in the afternoon. 
The rays of the sun are so strong that I couldn't walk without sunglasses, I thought I was going to get burnt to a crisp. It is definitely less humid, but not a pleasant environment. 

I was very surprised that everything was so big!! such as cars, houses, land, shops, and food. 
 Unlike Japan, I can not go anywhere without a car. There are no useful trains like in Japan. However, I find a good point. I can always see beautiful nature, even I can find squirrels and rabbits!! Almost everyone is very kind and friendly. There are cool guys and hot girls, I feel like I'm in a movie!!



The first week, I stayed for 3 days at a friend's house who is another exchange student from my university last semester. I was surprised again, the tap water had a different taste, too big Britor (after that, I disliked it. Sick people like me must not eat it lol ) and I bought a smoothie( more than a Starbucks venti)  so, I could not drink it all. I still have a cold, I ate Japanese rice and miso soup. It’s too delicious! I missed Japan…
I left my friend's house and moved to a hotel ( 4th day in the US) with a caught, a runny nose, and a fever that didn't go away. 



I moved to Hotel. It is so smelly!! like the smell of mold. Probably, it’s because the window does not open.  I wonder if the window basically does not open in america? so I spent 5 days in a moldy room. It’s not my day…
I have participated in an international orientation for a week. I tried to talk to international students “I’m Karin, nice to meet you!” I made friends with everyone I met, but I was so scared of the world that I jumped into the English world. Also, I was very shocked because I felt my skills are very low, but other students can speak English very well. I managed to spend time with my friends with 3~40 % understanding. There are a lot of really nice people in town and at the school, so time passed quickly during my time at the school. 

学校のオリエンテーションに1週間参加することになり、とにかく会う人、隣の子に”Hi, nice to meet you! I’m karin from Japan!” って声掛けまくって、仲間を作った笑 いろーーんな国の子達がいて、見た目、発音の違い、知らない世界すぎてビビり散らしながら英語onlyの世界に飛び込んだ。日本人って、(自分が?)こんなに喋れないし、聞き取れないんだってことにショックを受け、世界の色んな子達はまぁ流暢に英語を話すこと、、3~40%の理解度でなんとか新しい友だちと過ごしてました。町の人も、学校の人も本当に優しい人が沢山いて、学校にいる時間はすぐに時が経った。

One day, I was taken to a street basketball game by a friend who is an exchange student at my university. Other day, I went to Chick-fil-A, an american burger shop and I watched “Barbie” without subtitles, so I can only understand 40%... but it is very interesting, I want to watch it again after I get enough English skills. I was surprised at the cultural difference, but I had a good time. 

桜美林に留学してた子達にストリートバスケに連れてってもらったり、アメリカのburger shop チキフィレ に連れてってもらったり、Barbieを字幕なしでみて全然理解出来なかったけど面白かった(またちゃんと見ます)😄文化の違いに驚いたり、楽しく過ごしたりもした★

It was relaxing to sleep in a bed at the hotel for a long time, but suddenly I felt homesick,” eh, it was something different than I imagined, so much pain? Study abroad. … “ and I can't help crying every day after I move to the hotel. I wanted to go back to Japan because of all the discomfort and anxiety. This is my first time to leave my family and lovely pets. Also, I have to do all of the things without my family’s help in this world, and I could never escape from here. I couldn't help crying just thinking about my treasures in Japan. As a result, I spent several nights like that.    


However, at the same time, I felt that I had to do my best because I had come here for a reason to improve my English skills, not just to hang out. I thought at that time whenever  I could hang out if I had money, but time does not stop us from achieving our dream. I felt like,” It is so hard, it’s only 10 months, but I’m going to enjoy this experience for 10 months. I know that hard times and experiences make me strong. I always thought ”Oh, I’m so glad I took on this challenge.” After something to challenge big. Therefore, I decided to study hard and have fun here, and as a reward, I would go to LA or something. 

