


To enhance your visit to Kamakura Kokomae Station and ensure a smooth journey on the Enoden line, which connects Kamakura and Fujisawa Stations, consider adopting the following best practices:

### 1. Purchase a Pass
**Why:** A pass can offer unlimited rides on the Enoden line for a day, providing both convenience and potential savings if you plan to explore multiple stops along the route.

### 2. Avoid Peak Times
**Why:** The Enoden line, especially around scenic spots like Kamakura Kokomae Station, can get crowded, particularly on weekends and holidays. Traveling during off-peak hours ensures a more comfortable journey and better chances of capturing unobstructed views.

### 3. Queue Properly
**Why:** Observing the queuing etiquette at the station, such as lining up at the designated marks on the platform, facilitates smoother boarding and alighting, ensuring timely departures and respect for fellow passengers.

### 4. Offer Seats
**Why:** Prioritizing seating for the elderly, disabled, pregnant women, and families with young children is not only courteous but also a widely respected practice in Japan, promoting a considerate and inclusive environment.

### 5. Mindful Photography
**Why:** Kamakura Kokomae Station is known for its picturesque views, making it a popular spot for photography. Taking photos responsibly, without blocking paths or disturbing others, ensures everyone can enjoy the scenic beauty.

### 6. Quiet Conversations
**Why:** Keeping conversations at a low volume and muting mobile devices helps maintain a serene atmosphere conducive to the enjoyment of the train's scenic route for all passengers.

### 7. Compact Luggage
**Why:** Space on the Enoden trains can be limited. Keeping luggage compact and out of the way prevents obstruction in aisles and seating areas, making the journey more comfortable for everyone.

### 8. Expect to Stand
**Why:** The Enoden line can be particularly busy during peak tourist seasons, and seating may not always be available. Being prepared to stand, especially on short journeys, can make the experience less stressful.

### 9. Watch the Gap
**Why:** There can be a gap between the train and the platform. Paying attention when boarding or alighting the train is essential for safety, preventing trips and falls.

### 10. Follow Local Norms
**Why:** Adhering to local customs and guidelines, such as proper disposal of trash and respectful behavior towards station staff and fellow passengers, enhances the travel experience for everyone and shows respect for the local culture.

By following these best practices, you can ensure a pleasant and respectful experience at Kamakura Kokomae Station and on the Enoden train, allowing you to fully enjoy the unique charm and scenic beauty of the area.






定額 : 読み放題プラン

¥300 / 月

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