
The Tale of the Straw Millionaire

The Tale of the Straw Millionaire (Part 1)

When I moved to my current town, I felt like a stranger. However, as I jogged around, my face became familiar to the locals, and I gradually made acquaintances. One day, while running near a neighbor’s farm field, I kept saying, “Farming looks fun.” Eventually, he asked, “Do you really want to try farming?” Without hesitation, I replied, “Yes, I do.” He then said, “Let’s go introduce you to the landowner.” To my surprise, things escalated quickly, and I found myself following along without fully understanding what was happening.

The neighbor introduced me to the landowner, saying, “This person will start farming today. Is that okay?” The landowner replied, “Certainly! Please feel free to use the land.” Just like that, five minutes after talking to the neighbor, I ended up with a 400m² plot of land, complete with a small hut and farming tools.

We walked to a field just a minute away, and the neighbor shouted to his farming friends, "Hey, stop dismantling the shed! This person is going to start farming here today!"  An elderly gentleman who used to farm there had passed away due to illness, and the other farmers were sadly in the process of dismantling the shed that he had built. It was precisely at that moment that I arrived at the field.
From that point on, my farming life began. Even though I didn’t know left from right, I had the tools to get started. This marked a turning point in my life. Five minutes after I spoke to the old man during my jog, I had acquired a 400m² field for free.

Despite knowing very little about farming, I began my new life as a farmer. People around me noticed my efforts and generously shared vegetables from their own plots, even though I hadn’t harvested anything yet. Soon, mysterious gifts of vegetables started appearing on my doorstep. I couldn’t thank the anonymous donors properly, but it felt like a continuous stream of blessings.

The Tale of the Straw Millionaire (Part 2)

Let’s shift the scene away from the farm. One day, I visited a local bike shop I frequented. The owner asked me, “Would you like a blueberry tree?” Without hesitation, I replied, “Yes, I’d love one. I’ll take care of it.” I briefly wondered if it would be free, but it turned out to cost 1500 yen per tree. I had imagined a small blueberry plant like those sold at hardware stores, but when I visited the blueberry orchard, I was surprised. The trees towered over me.

The blueberry owner was in the middle of harvesting for shipment. I helped pick blueberries tirelessly, collecting over 5 kg. I assumed the berries would be part of the shipment, but the owner surprised me by saying, “You can have them all.” Later, I learned that these blueberries were a rare variety.

During the winter dormancy period, the trees would be dug up and delivered to me—about six months later. But there was a problem: I didn’t have land to plant them. Despite this, I had already committed to taking care of the blueberry trees. So, I asked my fellow farmers if anyone knew of available land. We searched together and found an elderly landowner. I approached them, explaining, “I’d like to grow blueberries. Could I use your land?” They agreed immediately, and I expressed my gratitude with a gift of Japanese sake.

When winter arrived, the promised blueberry trees were delivered. Originally, I planned to receive only five, but I got two extra as a bonus. Planting them was challenging due to their size. The land was vast, with plum and ginkgo trees growing alongside. During the seasons, I enjoyed abundant plums and ginkgo nuts. Carrying water from a nearby spring using a bucket and wheelbarrow made me appreciate the value of water and the wheelbarrow.

The Tale of the Straw Millionaire (Part 3)

Although this story may seem like it’s about acquiring harvests and land for free, it’s actually about seizing opportunities when they arise.

Ever since I struck up a conversation with the elderly farmer during my jog, my life has become incredibly rich. My mentality feels more open and free. When opportunities come your way, sometimes it’s better to embrace them with courage rather than doubt or hesitation. You never know how they might transform your life.

This story reminds me of the Japanese folktale “Warashibe Chōja” (The Straw Millionaire), where a poor man shares his rice straw with a stranger, leading to unexpected fortune. My experiences echo the same theme: seizing opportunities can change our lives in remarkable ways. Keep embracing those “straw” moments! 😊🌱🌟

