What I felt in Belize ベリーズで感じたこと

(English down below⬇︎⬇︎)

なにはともあれ、僕はベリーズって中米なのになんで公用語英語なんだろう、多分人々はスペイン語で話しているに違いないと思っていた。でもベリーズに入国してみると、ヒスパニックよりも黒人系の人が多い。人種的には僕が昔家族旅行で行ったカリブ海の国々と似ているのではないかと僕は感じた。ベリーズシティを歩くと、街並みはバハマのナッソーのそれで、南国の雰囲気が流れていた。僕は感動してしまった。だって、何年も前に家族旅行で連れてきてもらったカリブ海に、冬休みではあるけれども自分の力でたどり着くことができたのだから。いざウォータータクシーに乗ってキーカーカーに到着すると、バックパッカーがたくさん来そうな場所だなあと思った。物価は島なのに思ったより高くないなという印象。卵3つで110円くらい、それでもグアテマラの2.5倍くらいはする。ホステルのチャリを借りて島を一周してみる。島の南側は主にアメリカ人のリアイアした人が住む場所で、ボート付きのプライベートビーチが海岸沿いに並んでいた。飛行場もあり、本当の金持ちはセスナで来るんだろう。また、島なので夕朝日が綺麗。島の北の先っちょにはLazy Lizardというバーがあり、そこに入場すれば大きなビーチがありそこで遊べる。ビールもバーで一本3ドルとかする。グアテマラも安いけど、早くメキシコもどりてぇと思ってしまった。メキシコはバーでもコロナが約1ドルで飲める。正直僕はまだお金に余裕がないので、キーカーカーから4時間も行けばメキシコに入国できるし食べ物も安くてうまいのに、と思ってしまった。でも多分どのバックパッカーもそう感じているだろう。僕の友達フィンランド人は、ベリーズは俺が行ったことのある国の中で旅をするのにワーストな国だよと言っていた。二日目はスノーケリングをした。世界で二番目に大きいサンゴ礁があるところとも聞いていて、海は下が白砂なので水が透き通っている。サメにえさやりをすると何百匹もの魚が寄ってきたし、ウミガメも見ることができた。残念ながらマナティーを見ることができず、予定よりもかなり早く帰ってきてしまったが、キーカーカーに行ったのにスノーケルもダイビングもやらずに帰ってきたら何やったん?と言われそうなのでやってみた。さすがという感じだった。隣の島のサンペドロの近くにある保護区にも入り様々な生き物を見た。

Belize was one of the places I needed to pass through to get to Mexico. I tried to search for interesting places in Belize to go to. Because everyone whom I did semesters in Tec basically skipped Belize except for Cay Caulker. I initially thought about skipping Cay Caulker because everyone went there. But, I had done a lot of trekking in Guatemala and I had seen enough ruins and nature. For example. there are numerous Mayan ruins in Northern Guatemala and Western Belize. However, there is the World Heritage Tikal Ruins in Guatemala and Belize doesn’t. I mean the entrance of Tikal is quite expensive, but a tour to a Belizean ruin would cost as much. That’s why everyone choose Tikal over others.
Anyways, prior to arrival, I always thought why do people speak English in Belize. I always thought that people speak Spanish. However, I noticed that in Belize, there are more black people than Hispanic people. Belize city looked like those Caribbean towns which I visited during family trip to Jamaica and Bahamas a few years ago. So I was quite excited. Because few years later, I could come to places with my own ability, even though this was just during my winter vacation. Then I got on my water taxi to arrive in Cay Caulker, and discovered that this place is filled with bunch of backpackers, especially young Americans. The prices were affordable for an island in Belize. Still the price is like 2.5 times of that in Guatemala. I borrowed my bicycle from the hostel to go around the town. The southern part of the island is mainly for retired Gringos and private beaches with the boats lined up on the shore. There was an airfield where the real rich people fly to. Also, because it’s an island sunrise and sunsets are beautiful. In the northern tip of the island, there is a bar called Lazy Lizard which gained a monopoly. There was a beach owned by Lazy Lizard where everyone swim. The water was crystal clear and there were many fishes swimming by. A beer in a bar cost like 3US. Guatemala is also cheap, but I really wanted to go back to Mexico. Because Mexico is only four hours away and food is better and it;s cheaper. One of my friends told me that Belize is one of the worst countries to travel to. The second day, I did snorkeling. Belize has the second largest barrier leaf in the world. and the seats beautiful. When we fed sharks a couple hundred fish came by and I saw mature sea turtle. However, we came back early as there were no manatees, it was a great experience. I think half day is enough, full day is not worth it.
Actually I could have left after one day in the evening to Chetumal, Mexico. I got kicked out from the hostel where I stayed the first night and an island has a limit for cheap hostels. I met some friends from Tec and the second night I got to stay in my own room so I stayed for one more. There are actually quite a few places for a room thats cheaper than dorms in Hostelworld. Of course it’s much easier to make friends in hostels. Only unique things that Belize have are the coral reefs but I didn’t think that this country is good for traveling as the prices are too high compared to its neighbors