New Year 年末年始

(English down below⬇️⬇️)


今年僕はグアテマラで年末年始を過ごした。12/30でケツァルテナンゴに来てから3週間が経ち、残り半分となったので思い切ってホームステイの家を変えてみた。語学学校のホームステイプログラムはSpanish immersion、つまり現地の家族の一員として一緒に暮らし、そこに「没入」するプログラムであるはずなのだが、僕が最初の3週間いた家では家族と一緒に出かけたり、ホストマザー以外と話したりがなかった。最低限のご飯とベッドだけ与えるビジネスのような感じがしていた。(そのホストファミリーは6人家族でホームステイしている留学生も4人と人数が多かったので仕方ないかもしれないが)そこでホームステイの家を変えてもらった。

12/30に新たなホストファミリーの家に移った。年末年始は31日の夕方、ホストマザーのConnieとホストブラザーのDaniと教会のミサに行った。僕は小さいころキリスト教の幼稚園に通っていたが、それ以外で教会に行くのは初めてだった。グアテマラはキリスト教を熱心に信仰している人が多い。本当は自分の宗教観を書きたいが、長くなりそうなのでやめておく。とりあえず、日本人って信仰深い人が少ないし、これはいいことだと思う。それから、彼らの親戚の家に行って花火をやった後、また別の親戚の家に行って親戚10人くらいで食卓を囲み夜ご飯に鳥のタコスを食べた。親戚の人は、僕と初めて会ったというのにめちゃめちゃ優しくて、家族行事であるはずなのに僕を家族の一員であるかのように受け入れてくれて、すごいいい人たちだ。僕はグアテマラに来てから、メキシコと比べ人々は貧しい暮らしをしているし、初めて会う人に対してオープンな人は少ないのかな、と思っていたけどその考えはいい意味で覆された。食べ終わって、親戚の人たちとスペイン語で頑張って会話していたら外で花火が上がり始めて、気がついたら新年になっていた。屋上に行って街を眺めると街のあちこちで花火が上がっていてすごく綺麗だった。2020年初めて発した言葉はスペイン語で、yo pensè que esta ciudad es pequeño pero no es tan pequeño. だった。今年はスペイン語上手くなるといいな。その後親戚一族でクリスマスツリーの前に集まって新年のお祈りをした。歓喜余って親戚はみんな泣いていて、全部さらけだして見せてくれている気がした。一人ずつ今年の抱負みたいなのを話していくのだが、僕も日本語とスペイン語で恐縮ながら少し話をさせてもらった。お祈りが終わると親戚の子供たちと一緒に道路に出て、花火や爆竹で遊んだ。グアテマラでは爆竹に火をつけて、爆発する前にみんなでその場からダッシュで逃げるのが流行ってるらしい。量が多すぎて最後はまとめて燃やしてた笑。

次の朝は、留学生の友達と近くの山にNew Year Hikeをしに行った。山といっても1時間くらいで登れる公園みたいなところだ。空は珍しく雲ひとつない快晴だった。僕はシェラをあまり好きになれないのだが、歩いていける距離にたくさんハイキングできる場所があることは素晴らしい。その後、また違うホストファミリーの親戚の家に行き、ランチを食べた。




For the first time in my 20 years of life, I spent New Years without my family.

I have been here for four weeks and it seems like the busy season of New Years have ended. On the 30th of December, I decided to change house of homestay. The homestay program is supposedly a Spanish immersion, meaning that you live with the local Guatemalan family as a family member, and supposedly you immerse into the family. However, in the house where I was for the first three weeks, I did nothing with them. I kinda felt like this is business where you just give accommodation and three meals. (The host family was big and the host mom was super busy as there were four kids and four students in the homestay program.) So, I decided to change the house.

On the 30th, I changed the house. On the 31st, me and my host mom Connie and my host brother Dani went together to the church. Guatemalans are very religious. Then, after doing fireworks at their relative’s house in the garden, we moved to another house to eat dinner with the other relatives. The relatives were so nice even though I met them for the first time, and even though it’s a family gathering they welcomed me like a family member, they are such nice people. For weeks since I came to Guatemala, I thought that people are poor and the people are not so nice to foreigners that they encounter for the first time, but at least this family is different. After finishing tacos dinner and talking to the relatives for a while in my broken Spanish, the fireworks started launching and when I noticed I was already in 2020. We went upstairs to see fireworks around the city to the rooftop. My first word of 2020 was Spanish. I hope my Spanish improves this year. Later, the kids and I went to the streets to release some fireworks and lots of firecrackers.

The next morning, me and my Irish and Austrian friends went for a New Year Hike to the mountain close by. It only took us an hour to climb. The sky was cloudless. I don’t like Xela tbh, but I like that there are nearby mountains that I could hike in walking distance. Later, me and my host family went to another relative’s house to eat New Year lunch.

However, I don’t feel like the New Year started. Because the New Years celebration in Japan is completely different. I like my family’s way of spending New Years. It’s difficult for my family to travel anywhere since everyone is busy, and we always just go for my grandma’s house. Usually on the 31st, we go to grandma’s house, to other grandparents’ house for the 1st and come back to Tokyo on the 2nd. First, we go for cemetery of my grandpa, eat miso nikomi udon, go to shopping mall in the afternoon, and eat nabe in the night. After taking a bath and eating ice cream, we watch Japanese end-of-year TV program of the songs. When I want to see something different, I go to the other room to see something else, but I usually see the program. Around 23:30, my dad starts making over-the-year soba. When I start eating this soba, it is already 23:45 and the over-the-year TV program starts. This program lasts only 30 minutes or so, and this program shows the beautiful sceneries of the Japan and its shrines. We Japanese go to shrine in the New Years to pray for the New Years wish. Anyway, I feel bad for my dad because he can’t see this beautiful TV program while making our soba. I don’t like shrimp, so in my soba, my dad puts fried vegetables every year. I sleep around 0:30 and the next morning I wake up at 8am to go for shrine and later move to my other grandparents’ house. When I go to this house, there are always ozoni and osechi, which are traditional Japanese dish for New Years. On the 2nd and the 3rd, there are always Ekiden called Hakone Ekiden on TV, so we go back to Tokyo on the 2nd while listening Ekiden on the radio. Later, we just spend the day relaxing and eating osechi. If anyone is interested in spending New Years with me in Japan, you are very welcome to do so anytime!

Around this time of last year, I thought that I would just spend my winter vacation traveling around Spain. I never ever thought about studying in Mexico as my last choice on the motivation letter and spend my New Year in Guatemala. However, the experience that I am having are ily precious and I am glad to be back in the American continent. 2019 was a year of change where I started living on my own with a Mexican roommate for the first time abroad. I hope that year 2020 will be just great as 2019.

Btw, I’m looking for travel mates from January 20th-February 8th. I’m starting from Quezaltenango in Western Guatemala, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, Guatemala City, Flores(Tikal), Belize(Cay Caulker), Bacalar, Tulum, Playa del Carmen, and Cozumel.