The reason why I go to Guatemala 冬休みにグアテマラに行く理由

(English down below⬇️⬇️)




グアテマラでは主に3箇所語学学校がある。1つ目はメキシコ国境から車で3時間のQuezaltenango。2つ目が世界で一番美しい湖とも言われるアティトラン湖のほとりにあるSan Pedro Laguna、3つ目が世界遺産の街Antigua。それぞれの街にちょうど三週間ずついれることになる。でも、調べたところQuezaltenangoが一番安く一週間で最安150ドル、San Pedroは200ドル、Antiguaは250-300ドル。正直Quezaltenangoが気に入ればずっといようかなと思い始めた。結局Quezaltenangoで最安のところに通っている。僕はグアテマラ国境の街タパチュラまで飛行機、そこから陸路で国境越えをしたので移動費は安く済んだ。グアテマラには海もあるしQuezaltenango近郊には温泉もあるらしいので楽しみだ。それに加え、グアテマラ北部はベリーズやメキシコ・キンタナロー州にも近く、そっちに抜けて国内線で帰る予定だ。






Tec doesn't allow me to take Spanish classes unless my Spanish is at least B2 level of DELE. I've been studying in Mexico so of course I want to challenge myself and take classes in Spanish, but all classes were taught in English this semester. There are many international students in English-taught classes, and almost all of my friends were international students. On the other hand, if you take classes in Spanish, there are more local students, and hopefully I can utilize my Spanish. It is the international students who are going to travel together and have a good time with you, but I want more Spanish-speaking friends next semester.
Tec is an engineering university, and many engineering and science classes have been held, but there are only a few English-taught classes, and this semester only two political science classes were held in English. Even if I'm lucky, only 4,8 credits can be accepted in my home university. I have acquired 88 credits before my exchange year, and only 48 credits remain for me to graduate, so no matter how many credits I acquire in Tec, I should be able to graduate in four years. Credit acquired during the exchange year will only be pass or fail, and it will not be reflected to my GPA. So, I just need to get 70%. Next semester, I want to be taking political science classes both in Spanish and English to acquire more credits.
So, I decided to study in a Spanish language school during the 10 weeks of winter break. There are many direct flights from Guadalajara within Mexico, so I can go travel right away. But there are not so many international flights. It is difficult to travel abroad in a short period of time, so I wanted to go abroad during the winter break. The cheapest flights were to Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, Costa Rica, and Colombia. I'll be backpacking in Colombia next summer, Costa Rica is too expensive, El Salvador don't have a language school, and I feel like I'll go to Cuba some time because it's such a popular destination for Japanese. (And you can only stay in Cuba for 30 days.) So I chose Guatemala. Guatemala is super cheap. The cheapest language school I found in Quezaltenango is a one-on-one lesson of 20 hours a week and homestay with three meals a day for $150. And if you take classes for more than 4 weeks, you get 10% off at $135. About $540 in 4 weeks. Much cheaper than living in Japan. After all, there is language school and meals so I don't spend much money.
There are three main language school areas in Guatemala. The first is Quezaltenango, the second biggest city in Guatemala which is only 3-hour away from the Mexican border. The second is San Pedro Laguna on the shores of Lake Atitlan, which is said to be the most beautiful lake in the world. The third is the world heritage city of Antigua. I can be in each city for just three weeks. But I found that Quezaltenango is the cheapest around $ 150 per week. San Pedro is $ 200, and Antigua is $ 250-300 with homestay. If I liked Quezaltenango, I'll stay there as long as my break lasts. After all, I decided to go to the cheapest school in Quezaltenango. I traveled to the town of Tapachula on the border of Guatemala by airplane and then crossed the border by land, so the travel cost was even cheaper. I'm looking forward to seeing Guatemala. There are seas and hot springs near Quezaltenango. In addition, the northern part of Guatemala is also close to Belize and Quintana Roo, Mexico, where I plan to travel at the end and return home.

What I felt when I came to Sierra

1 week has passed since I came to Quezaltenango, or Xela. I got sick on the second day. That day I had my first class at the language school, but I didn't assume Xela to be this cold and went to the language school with a thin hoodie and a pair of shorts. There were no desks indoor open, so teacher and I sat outside for 4 hours. I was at 25 degrees the day before, and if I sat down for 4 hours at a temperature of 10 degrees, I caught a cold for sure. The fact that the I climbed from the altitude of 0m to 2300m also affected my condition. My first week in Xela was just going to a language school and being in bed all day after the class.

Xela is a city surrounded by mountains, and I feel like I finally came to Central America. There are many developing countries in Central America, and people live a simpler life than Mexicans (in my opinion). For example, three meals are served in the homestay, but in the morning and night, only frijoles (beans) and eggs are served every day. Perhaps my homestay house could buy other ingredients, but this is a normal food diet in Guatemala. Since the amount is so small, I make my miso soup with miso that I brought from home ev

ery meal, and after returning to the room, I eat the fruits I bought at the supermarket. Some people talk to me as I walk around the city, and it feels very friendly, but many people tell me to give me money after talking for a while. I don't want you to talk to me because I'm Asian and I look like I have money. I want you to stop pointing at me and saying, "Oh, there's a Chino over there." There are a lot of women in Xela wearing colorful indigenous costumes. Also, Mexicans are much taller than Guatemaltecas.

Xela's air is super polluted. Unlike Japan, there are many old cars that emit a large amount of gas, and because of Xela's high altitude, dirty air accumulates in the city. Also, since the width of one road is narrow, you have to walk right next to the large bus that emits great smoke. The sidewalk is narrow and only one person can pass, so when passing each other, one must go down to the road. I was sick the first week, so everything that I saw could be seen negatively, but the positive points are the prices and the suburban activities that you can do. Shopping at the supermarket is only a bit cheaper than Mexico, but going to a language school is the cheapest in the Spanish-speaking world. For example, my homestay program at a language school I attend costs about 700 yen a day with three meals. In addition, there are plenty of natural activities which you can also do with your school. I climbed 3772m Santa Maria Volcano last Saturday with my language school. This is a mountain 15 minutes from Xela and it can be climbed in 3 hours. Also, there is a hot spring nearby.

When I got sick last Tuesday, I thought of moving to a warmer place in a week, but when I thought about the original plan of staying here for 4 weeks, I can't break my plan so easily. So I decided to stay in Xela for a bit more.