WACK in the UK vol. 2 at Underworld

本記事について / About This Article

本イベントへの参加も2回目となり海外ファンとの交流も少し増える中で、イベントの雰囲気を伝えることが何かの助けになるかもしれないと思い note を記載することにしました。
After attending the event twice and communicating oversea fans, I started to think about doing something for someone who wants to attend the event in the future. I hope this article helps YOU.

VIP Ticket Event

Event Ticket

前回と異なり事前告知とともに発売された VIP チケットは、内容の面でも前回と大きく異なるものでした。
VIP tickets were sold with the announcement beforehand. It contained more benefits than last time.

VIP fans were able to have lunch with members in the venue's pub. As you can see in the picture on the link above, the area was too small for us, but it was nice to be able to communicate closely with the members.

Each participant enjoyed the conversation with members while the Cheki event took place in parallel. It was impressed that YUi GA DOCKSON was so active to communicate with overseas fans. I wondered if she was really the same person who writes the funny comics online.

On a personal note, I had a chat with AINASTAR and WONKER TWiNS about some books. AINASTAR then placed WONKER's foot on her thigh and began tying her shoelaces. A picture of this was later uploaded and made me happy.

なお、VIP 特典に含まれていた限定 T シャツは London 版 IDOL でした。
Extra benefit for VIP was the exclusive London IDOL T-shirt.

London IDOL T-shirt

General Cheki Event

今回は一般チケット所持者向けにも特典会が開催され、チェキ券1枚が 15 ポンド、一会計で3枚まで買える形式でした。ループも可能だったようです。
This time there was also the Cheki event for general ticket holders. It costs £15 each and we were able to buy three at a time. It was also possible to purchase additional three by queueing up again.

Last time we were able to use cash because of problems with the credit card terminal, but this time there was no problem. In fact, as usual, credit cards were more convenient as there was not enough change.


Watanabe CEO as a rabbit

As it was close to Easter, the live performance began with Watanabe CEO, dressed as a rabbit, giving the regulations and greetings.


トップバッターは初のロンドン公演となる KiSS KiSS。他のグループとは異なる『可愛い』を存分に発揮していました。
The first group is KiSS KiSS, who are taking part in the London show for the first time. They gave us lots of "Kawaii". 

キラ・メイ / KILA MAY
アイナスター / AINASTAR
チャンベイビー / CHANGBABY
ナルハワールド / NARUHA WORLD
キャ・ノン / CA NON

セットリスト / Set List

  1. KiSSES


  3. KiSS KiSS KiSS

  4. フランケンシュタイン

  5. チョコキス!!

  6. ファンファーレ

  7. Cake!


続いては JPU Records と契約したこともありロンドン公演の軸となっている ASP。The Underworld の雰囲気に一番合っているグループだと思います。Next up is ASP, who were there last time and have signed a deal with London based JPU Records. Their music and vibes are best suited to the Underworld venue.

ASP #1
ASP #2
ASP #3
ASP #4

セットリスト / Set List

  1. 拝啓ロックスター様



  4. Tokyo Sky Blues

  5. the MAN CALLiNG

  6. Blueberry Gum

  7. PLEASE!!!


  9. A Song of Punk

  10. M

  11. Hyper Cracker

You can find their videos in the following post, kindly made by a Japanese fan.


トリを飾るのは GANG PARADE。本公演への参加が vol. 1 で発表されたときの反響もとても大きく、実際に来場した多くのファンが彼女たちを待ち望んでいました。
The headliner was GANG PARADE. When their participation had been announced last time, the audiences had been so excited. Many fans who actually came to the event were eagerly awaiting them. 

GANG PARADE say hello to London
とろいくらうに食べたい / toro ikura uni tabetai
私もとろいくらうに食べたい / I want to eat Japanese seafoods too
涙のステージ / Namida no Stage
文字通り涙のステージ / Literally tears on stage

セットリスト / Set List

  1. Plastic 2 Mercy


  3. lol - laughing out loud

  4. とろいくらうに食べたい

  5. 躍動

  6. Gangsta Vibes

  7. 涙のステージ

  8. Happy Lucky Kirakira Lucky

  9. ROCKを止めるな!!


GANG PARADE のパフォーマンス終了後には全てのメンバーと渡辺さんが再び登場し、様々な地域から集まったファンへの感謝、ロンドンの多様性と本イベントへ込められた想いなどが語られました。日本人に対して「来るなとは思っていないし遠くから来てくれてありがとう」と語られたこともとても良かったなと思います。
Watanabe CEO and all members appeared on stage again after GANG PARADE's performance. He thanked all fans from all over the world and spoke about the diversity of London and his passion for this event. He also said, "We're fine Japanese fans come here as well. Thank you for coming from far away." It should've been glad for Japanese fans.

英語での感想を求められそうになりドキドキしているメンバー / Members looking anxious as they are about to be asked for their opinions in English

予想された次回公演の開催日は 8 月 28 日に決定。ASP は継続参加、BiS と豆柴の大群都内某所 a.k.a. MONSTERIDOL が新たにロンドンへ訪れることとなりました。継続的な開催により彼女たちがロンドンの地で多くの観客を集める日が楽しみです。
The next show has been announced for 28 August. ASP, BiS and MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN TONAi BOUSHO a.k.a. MONSTERIDOL will join. I look forward to the day when they will be able to attract a wider audience through ongoing events in London.

おわりに / Conclusion

Thank you for reading to the end. The fans who were looking forward to meeting them and taking action to support group made me writing this article. I hope it helps someone who hesitated to attend or will have an interest in them in the future.
