Brief introduction

Hi, everyone. Today, I started to write my diary on blog here.
There are some reasons why I was inspired to kick off my blog.

Firstly, I needed a space to come out how I feel and what I learn each day somewhere. You know that I am super talkaitve and blog may work for my desire to speak out my honest feeling instead of talking with someone even when I am alone.

Secondly, I wanted to help as much people who feel the same way or is who are in need of assistance. Social media is a nice platform that connect with people who have never seen but who have the same interest as mine. For me, one person is enough to save me when I feel struggling. 

Lastly, I wanted to use my language skill here. After my life in Malaysia is over, I didn't get exposed to any writing assignments, which made me feel dangerous LOL

I may continue to post my texts a lot or I may quit all of a sudden.

I hope we will meet you on the next post.
