



The death of Hierarch Voyle could have been a cataclysmic blow to the Protectorate. To see the most potent Menite since the days of the priest-kings struck down by a heathen the very moment victory over their oppressors seemed assured was staggering. The priesthood froze in despairing disbelief in those first terrible hours. The visgoths and senior priests remembered too well the years of chaos and uncertainty in the wake of Hierarch Ravonal’s passing and the bloody struggle that had followed as Voyle seized the reins of power. The presence of the Harbinger of Menoth, however, reassured the priests in Sul and Imer and reminded them they did not lack for guidance. To them she said, “The next hierarch walks among you, carving a new domain in the north, uniting the faithful.” The rise of Severius marks the first time a hierarch gained power so quickly and with such irrefutable approval from the Creator of Man.

Severius no longer refuses authority as he had as grand scrutator, when he had removed himself from the political arena to demonstrate his determination to fight on the battlefield. He takes the burdens of leadership in stride, knowing the Protectorate must heed a single voice in this time of war. Likewise, Severius knows his place remains at the fore of his crusade. He is determined to remain on the field of battle in his role as the anointed priest-general.

His hierarchy has proven to differ dramatically from Ravonal’s and Voyle’s. Theirs was a time of preparation, of building the machinery of war, readying the martial orders, and constructing factories and mines to support the coming crusades. Hierarch Severius has taken up the weapons his predecessors forged and decided to leave the trivial matters of the Temple bureaucracy to the Synod in Imer.

Before his elevation to hierarch, Severius spoke the words inscribed in script of blazing fire within the Covenant of Menoth outside Leryn, invoking its terrible power as foretold by prophecy and confirmed by the visions of the Harbinger. This unleashed power awaits his command to turn any enemies of the faithful to ash. The pyres of these heathens transforming the land into fire stirs the hearts of those who have faltered in their faith, restoring them to righteous worship of Menoth. He has witnessed the return of the Testament from Urcaen and has vowed to employ the Harbinger to swell the ranks of the faithful. The path of the future lies open and clear to him.

The hierarch has taken it as his life’s work to unite the Menites of western Immoren and spread the True Law to all humanity. Those answering his call will usher in a new age by hammering the cathedrals of Morrow to rubble and erecting new temples to the Lawgiver. The younger, wayward faith will bow to Menoth or perish utterly.
