バルダー・ザ・ストーンクリーヴァー[BALDUR THE STONECLEAVER]


A bastion of strength and resolve noted for his steadfast loyalty, Baldur the Stonecleaver is described among the Circle as the “Rock of Orboros.” Some jest he has spent too long communing with mountains, for he is a calm and serene presence among his more passionate peers. When his battle temper is aroused, however, he becomes an unstoppable juggernaut made flesh.

Baldur laughs off questions about his past, saying he was born in a bear cave near Boarsgate, but there is an undeniably Khardic flavor to his features and frame. He moves with deceptive ease as strength flows into him from the earth. His massive stone sword sings through the air and shatters anything it encounters. No other man has ever been able to lift this weapon, let alone wield it in battle. Baldur insists this has nothing to do with strength of limb but is because the sword is as much a part of him as his arms.

Older than he appears, Baldur has overseen numerous territories in his tenure with the Circle, has mentored powerful younger druids like Kaya the Wildborne, and has established unusual friendships with outsiders. He cares nothing for druidic politics and reserves his philosophy for the shaping of stone; he has shared lore with Rhulic stonemasons and even in less contentious times conducted terse exchanges with the guardians of Ios. Once he was a welcome guest among kriels of the Thornwood and Scarsfell and is disappointed by the rift with the trollkin, but even so he will not shirk from his duty when called on to do battle with them. His logical and insightful appeals give him a powerful voice among the ranks of the Circle. His promotion to potent continued his gradual rise through the ranks, and he has been entrusted with the deeper mysteries of druidic lore.

The Stonecleaver is a paragon of the earth-shaping path of druidic magic: he deeply understands stone, earth, and the forest; he has mastered the shaping of wolds and their ilk; and he can infuse primal power into stone runes. His thick fingers possess the skill and artistry of a sculptor, but his masterpieces spring to life and stride onto the battlefield to tear walls and beasts asunder. Baldur’s magic enlivens forests in even the most blighted places, and he uses these trees to cross enormous distances and pulverize the enemies of the Circle Orboros.

Everblight’s menace has weighed heavily on Baldur’s mind. The dragon’s unnatural blight warps all it touches, leaving scars that will never heal. Baldur has spent considerable time patrolling the wilds where the Legion has passed, smashing its forward elements whenever and wherever he can. Despite all these dire omens, however, Baldur somehow remains optimistic about the future—a beacon of energy and vitality who insists no defeat is final until all will is lost.
