

Of the three omnipotents presiding over the Circle Orboros,
the eldest and most enigmatic is Mohsar the Desertwalker.
The Desertwalker believes the bitter wastes of the Bloodstone
Marches perfectly reflect Orboros’ myriad nature. The
unforgiving power of nature pervades this climate, and the
desert shrugs off all feeble efforts of civilization to hold it at
bay. No city can outlast the shifting dunes, and to Mohsar there
is no beauty purer than the cleansing wrath of a sandstorm.
Mohsar’s milky eyes mark him as blind. This trait hinders
him little, however; his awareness of Orboros is perfect.
Letting his consciousness flow into his surroundings, he
takes in the entirety of the landscape around him. The ley
lines answer to his will and through them he has a far better
grasp of places both near and far than could ever be attained
with eyes alone.
Mohsar has learned to manifest the tremendous powers of
his environment. The land cracks open at his command to
swallow enemies whole, pillars of salt erupt to block narrow
passes, and blistering heat hammers down from the sky to
punish beast and machine alike. Even more terrifying is that
these powers seem to cost him very little, as if the greatest
feats of natural magic require nothing more than a stray
thought while walking the shifting sands.
Mohsar’s loathing of humanity is legendary; he barely
tolerates interaction with even his fellow blackclads, and only
when absolutely necessary. Those within the order who learn
Mohsar tutored Krueger immediately gain insight into the
mettle of the Stormlord’s soul. Mohsar inflicted cruel savagery
upon his apprentice in an effort to grind him into perfection,
raze away his flaws, and elevate him bleeding and screaming
to the heights of his inner potential. That Krueger has become
so formidable is proof of Mohsar’s methods. Relentless as the
sun itself, Mohsar emanates scornful disregard as palpable as
a hot wind blowing across the dunes.
For long decades Mohsar was rarely seen at the gatherings
of the other leaders of the Circle Orboros, but recent events
reversed this trend. It seems his blind eyes have shown him
the shadow of black clouds the other omnipotents failed to
perceive. It was Mohsar who realized the threat posed to
Caen by the hole in reality attached to Void Seer Mordikaar
of the skorne. Mohsar was also the one who gathered the
omnipotents in 609 AR to prevent the full manifestation of
the Devourer Wurm in the Bloodstone Marches through
that breach. He has shown no desire to retreat back into the
wastes since. Though his presence causes discomfort for most
of his peers, others in the order realize Mohsar is among the
few with the strength of will to deal with fringe allies like
the Stormlord and Wurmwood. Given the scope of the tasks
before them, now more than ever the Circle requires his stern
leadership and inexhaustible mystical power.
