グレイル・ザ・ファーストライダー [GRAYLE THE FARSTRIDER]


Grayle leads bands of Wolves of Orboros with the same ruthless precision with which he wields his twin hunting blades. Devoted to the predatory aspects of the Devourer Wurm, he commands men and beasts with the self-assurance of a warrior who embodies the soul of the wolf.

Born of one of the most ancient bloodlines of the Wolves of Orboros, Grayle was trained to follow the orders of the druids, seen by his family as wise priests and protectors. At the age of fifteen he was already the leader of a pack, and it was clear he would one day become a master of the hunt. It was a shock to him when, while hunting a stag, he realized he could feel its beating heart within his own chest and sense the thoughts of a hawk above him. He feared he might be going mad, but this was his wilding.

Most fated to wield the power of Orboros experience this change as young children. Almost grown and with his own aspirations, Grayle struggled to accept his new role when the druids took him from all he had known to initiate him in the first mysteries of their order. He soon became aware the blackclads he had so revered were not what he had thought. They were not all wise and prescient, and they eschewed the rituals he had been raised to believe were sacred. Worse, they were endlessly embroiled in internecine scheming.
None of this matters when Grayle stalks the wilderness, blades in hand. His prowess as a warrior has combined with his druidic powers to transform him into one of the most deadly combatants the Circle has ever seen. Time and again his superiors have sent him forth to stalk and slay all manner of threats to their order, and on each mission the Farstrider has proven his worth anew. His ingrained obedience and loyalty may be obstacles to greater advancement within the Circle’s hierarchy, but these qualities also make him a perfectly reliable and effective weapon—a weapon increasingly in great demand by the order. Since becoming an overseer, he knows he must learn to adapt to the endless intrigues while staying true to his beliefs and instincts. He remains most comfortable when sent to battle the Circle’s foes face to face. The resounding howls of his hunting pack rise above the trees as enemies die upon his blades, sacrificed in the name of the Devourer.
