

Hoarluk Doomshaper has cemented himself by word and deed as an essential pillar of the United Kriels. Through his exploration into the history and the blood of trolls, he unearthed long-forgotten secrets; his indomitable will tore legends from the krielstones of the past and brought them roaring into the present, hungry and filled with rage. His most dire predictions have come true. Many who once shunned him for his radical ideals now beseech him for aid. And while his words are an incitement to war, the shaman would sacrifice everything to ensure his people endure.
Doomshaper has become a living repository of lore rivaling even the omnipotents of the Circle Orboros. During a long lifetime of searching, he has scoured every sacred site and spent endless hours collecting rubbings from krielstones across western Immoren, accumulating a wealth of ancient teachings. Over time, keeping even a limited selection of the most spiritually potent writings has become an unwieldy burden. A number of stout pygmy trolls volunteered to help shoulder the legendary shaman’s burden. Those taking on this task are loaded down with enough scrolls and cases to rival the weight of equipment borne by the most heavily armored kriel warriors.
The deep communion between Doomshaper and the greatest trolls is more than a matter of lore—it has changed the shaman’s very being. When he entered into a pact with
Mulg the Ancient, offering his own hand for consumption,
Repudiate – Because they expire immediately, upkeep spells and animi that had an effect when the model/unit was hit or damaged will have no effect.
Doomshaper learned to regenerate as trolls do. He has learned to extend this tremendous regenerative power to the trolls under his command, making them tenacious beyond belief.
The Shaman of the Gnarls has never ceased searching for newer and greater weapons to add to his arsenal, to prove the existence of creatures even greater than the dire trolls. Through his scrolls he looked back to legends from the dawn of the world, when mountains walked and when the earth of Dhunia’s body mixed with the Wurm’s predatory blood to birth the progenitors of all trollkind. He found ancient markers specifying where the troll kings had been imprisoned. Against the grave warnings passed down by his ancestors, he awakened and freed them. Soon thereafter he journeyed to the frozen north and secured their wintry cousins, the glacier kings. In doing so Doomshaper unleashed beings as dangerous as they are fearsome, but he knows that only such extreme measures can reverse the horrors inflicted on his people.
While other leaders among the kriels seek to make the best of the hand dealt to them, Doomshaper does not accept retreats or self-defeating compromises. His success in locating the troll kings sparked his desire to retrieve more of their kind from slumber, to find other ways to bring pain and destruction to his enemies. A thousand terrified screams are not enough to begin to balance the scales, and Doomshaper is ready to release an avalanche of carnage.
