
A letter of request to Mr. Donald Trump when he was elected as the new president of the United States as a representative of the human race.

An end to annual reform requests and unilateral orders from both Japan and the United States.

We will pay a certain amount of money for the US military for world peace, but we will withdraw all US troops from Japan.

Recognize Japan as a truly independent nation and do not get in the way of deepening diplomatic and friendly relations with countries such as China and Russia.

Ordering and instructing Israel and other countries to stop massacring and killing Palestinians and other people.

Advising and ordering countries to stop fraudulent elections in the United States, Japan, etc.

Ordering and instructing countries such as the United States and Japan to stop or abolish nuclear power plants and aim for the spread of clean energy and free energy.

Ordering and instructing countries such as the United States and Japan to stop the development, dissemination, and distribution of genetically modified foods, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, and to fundamentally switch to organic farming methods.

Abolish the TPP, which is an unequal treaty.

Do not sell dangerous medicines, foods, nuclear power plants, weapons, etc. to Japan or the world.

Let Japan freely buy and sell American government bonds and not force them to buy more.

To stop assassinations and sabotage using the CIA and others around the world, and to expose the fact that they have assassinated inconvenient Earth humans.

Major wars such as World War I and World War II were intentionally caused by the Illuminati, financial Jews, and the Khazarian mafia, such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers (oil, resources, grain, and military industries that strengthened their world domination). ・Disclose the fact that Hitler and Isoroku Yamamoto were also gurus.

Disclose the fact that it is the American Rockefeller gang that has caused artificial earthquakes in Hanshin Awaji, East Japan 311, the coast of Sumatra, Haiti, Sichuan, New Zealand, etc.

Disclose the fact that 9/11 was a self-produced terrorist attack.

Stop wiretapping and interception by NSA, CIA, DIA, Mossad, MI6, etc. using Echelon and Google over the phone, email, and the Internet.

We recommend abolishing the United Nations permanent membership system, abolishing the IMF and World Bank, and making the International Court of Justice fairer.

The assassination of the Kennedy brothers was carried out by Rockefeller, Dulles, the CIA, and others, and the reasons were that they were trying to expose alien information, nationalizing the Fed, trying to end the Vietnam War, and taking a tough stance against the Mafia. to reveal the fact that he has turned into a very inconvenient president.

Disclose the fact that the American Rockefeller gang used the CIA, Mossad, etc. to create pseudo-terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, IS, and Hamas, and to carry out self-produced terrorist attacks on 9/11 and in Syria and Iraq.

Revealing the fact that the Gray aliens and MJ-12 have entered into a secret agreement in which they have allowed the kidnapping, human experimentation, and Abuda Vision of Americans in exchange for providing technology.

Revealing the fact that NASA has been concealing and fabricating space information.

In areas such as Area 51, we developed American-made UFOs in collaboration with Gray and deployed TR3B Astra Triangle, etc., and the behind-the-scenes technologies include instantaneous transportation devices, underground cities and bases, underground tunnel networks, Mars bases, HAARP, and technology that causes artificial earthquakes. Disclose the fact that we are researching, developing, and putting into practical use supernatural powers, mind control, robotization by implanting microchips, rejuvenation biotechnology, and drugs to prevent cancer, AIDS, viruses, etc.

Nationalize the Fed and expose the fact that America is in default.

Consult with countries that possess nuclear weapons, such as Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, India, and Pakistan, and make efforts to eliminate all nuclear weapons on earth.

To strive to ensure that all humankind can enjoy happiness, peace, freedom, equality, human rights, and health.

Leading a major transformation from a destructive hellish civilization to a recycling-oriented heavenly civilization

The educational system will be drastically changed to a proper education that will raise honest human beings, and the true God, religion, philosophy, science, teachings and way of life will be spread, and we will awaken the human race, which used to have many sinners and evil people, to reform daily and not to commit crimes and wrongdoing, but to maintain a conscience. To guide people to become truly good people who demonstrate altruistic love and do good deeds as much as possible.





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