
Common troubles of buying a car

When purchasing a car, there are various troubles that can occur. Below are some common problems that often arise.

Hidden issues with used cars:

When buying a used car, it is important to check the condition of the vehicle. However, there may be hidden problems. For example, some dealers may hide accident or repair history when selling a car. It is necessary to thoroughly investigate the history and condition of the used car before making a purchase.

Expensive repair costs:

Even with new or used cars, there can be vehicle malfunctions or troubles. However, repair costs can sometimes be unexpectedly high. Especially when the warranty period has expired or when the car model has been discontinued by the manufacturer, the cost of parts and repairs may increase. It is important to carefully check the repair costs and warranty coverage before making a purchase.

Inappropriate sales contracts:

he purchase contract for a car includes various conditions. However, if you sign the contract without fully understanding it, problems may arise later. For example, there may be restrictions on returns or cancellations, or unexpected additional costs may occur. It is important to read and understand the contract terms before signing.

Unreliable sellers:

When buying a car, it is important to choose a trustworthy seller. However, there are fraudulent sellers or those who engage in unethical business practices. For example, they may provide false information about the condition of the vehicle or forcefully sell unnecessary additional options. Before making a purchase, it is important to research the reputation and reviews of the seller and choose a reliable one.


These are some common troubles that often occur when purchasing a car. When buying a car, it is important to conduct thorough research and take precautions to avoid these troubles. Do not lose your money by shortcutting your purchasing journey. Buying the cheapest, often paying the most, eventually.
