
3.Been in touch with some artists for JAPANESE MUSIC FILM FESTIVALS (to rent their movies)

   Although there hasn't been many things set in stone so far, I have sent in certain information materials to some Japanese artists, well-known and favorite ones of mine, and actually positively been in touch with some of them. (Guess who from my project's Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/795983953774863/
And I think, in a few days I'll start booking venues, first in Germany - Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, and Poland - Wroclaw, Krakow, Warsaw, Poznan. I'm gonna need to find some cinemas without actually visiting the place, though.

   After deciding on exact venues and dates, I'll try again and send such information in to the artists. Although the 3 artists I have now would make the festivals last long enough, just one more artist would be huge help. The more the better, of course. (My criteria for artists is always set on Hard mode, though!)

   Btw, I'm intending to do Q&A sessions using Skype and the movie screen between artists and audiences. I think it will be pretty amusing for everyone - artists, audience and of course for me, too :)

Website: http://www.actwitness.com/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/795983953774863/
