
Sorry to be a party crasher.

If a band seriously wish to spread their music in Europe, they, especially the one who does MCs, should make some more efforts to be able to - at least a little - do it in English. 

To be honest, I say, they are lenient on themselves, not making that effort but, in a way, pushing their fans into trying to understand band's language - that is, learning the Japanese language.

The band had been planning all the time to come over to make more fans in Europe... And why not learn just one language for the plans to work out better?

Even fans, in fact a fairly good number of the Japanese music fans overseas try to study Japanese because they are keen to understand the lyrics and maybe MCs made on stage. But the band trying to convey something don't try to study a language the audience should most probably know...? It doesn't seem right.

On stage the vocalist tried to say to the audience "もっとイケるでしょー!!(You can do it better than this, can't youuuu!!!)" but she didn't know how to say it so gave up on MC and moved on to the next song... But... "もっとイケるでしょー!!(You can do it better than this, can't youuuu!!!)".. this, at least for Japanese bands, must be one of the most cliche things to say on stage and she didn't take the time to google how to say it in a language the audience would understand? I thought "is that how serious you guys are about making more fans in Europe? Yoshiki, Miyavi and other Japanese artists study it because they are all dead serious." 

You can do it better than this, can't you.

<<<Would love to hear opinions from non-Japanese fans. Me, as one who seriously wishes for the Japanese bands as UPLIFT SPICE to last long, I just felt I had to say this.>>>


The rest will be nicely put up on Japanese music media for sure as their performance was, all in all, indeed good! :)
