

   Poland seems really hot for Japanese music and Japanese-related stuff. Although I haven't been there, I can still feel much of the heat just by throwing questions to Polish people. I know such a thing should be stated after actually visiting there but I just can't help stating that already! The population of the country is a bit less than 40,000,000, which is just about half of that of Germany, and GDP and prices are a bit low so it worried me a little regarding revenue of my film festivals over there but they seem fine to pay enough for Japanese music events.

   And hey, the deed of asking around helps me not only collect intelligence but also spread the word and even make friends around the world, haha. Although I feel like I ask too much help from time to time.

  Those are the 4 cities that I'm willing to go to for the film festival events. (If I was only going to one city, it seems that ought to be Wroclaw.) But, now what's exceptionally difficult for me is going to be finding cinemas that suit the festivals. Up until now I have traveled to some cities in Germany, London and Paris. I have also wanted to visit Poland myself but I might be going to have no other choice but to decide cinemas through only using research and information from people.Pretty scary. If you (yes, YOU who's reading this right now) know any cinemas in those 4 cities, Wroclaw, Warsaw, Krakow and Poznan, please PLEASE give me a shout! 

Looking for cinemas in Wroclaw, Warsaw, Krakow and Poznan -

Number of seats - 50 to 150

Indie cinema, clean toilets, nothing too dirty, nice agreeable staff, some spacious chilling space (for breaks during the festivals).

Let me know via Facebook: Junichi Tanaka Actwitness

Or my email address: jun.tan.koo(at)googlemail.com.


.... I wonder how other event organizers decided to take venues. Guess there'd be no meaning in asking them that, though, since the situation of mine must be quite different to theirs.

Cinema festivals website: http://www.actwitness.com/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/795983953774863/
