








From a tax-collecting state to a benefit state

The theme I am currently conceptualising is ‘From a tax collection state to a benefit state’. Please criticise me for this, as I am sure it will be greatly disputed.
MMT has already put forward the thesis that taxes are not a source of revenue, a thesis that undermines conventional fiscal theory. It is entirely financed by the government’s debt – the issue of currency. Tax collection extinguishes that debt.
The 21st century must push forward the fourth industrial revolution. It is said that this will lead to a decline in domestic demand as a result of labour savings and lower employment incomes, and in turn, a long-term stagnation is inevitable.
Since the end of the 19th century, the 20th century has experienced severe deflationary recessions and depressions every time a major technological innovation occurred. However, these technological innovations have created new industries, eliminated unemployment, and capitalism has developed to a more prosperous stage. This is the so-called dynamism of capitalism.
In the 21st century, automation will permeate most industries. Besides, advanced labour is limited to a very small elite. Most labour is simple and more efficient to be automated, but it is a form of artificially saving development because unemployment would increase. This does not allow for growth. However, as economic globalisation progresses, the capital of countries that refrain from investment and suppress growth will lose out in international competition and decline, so sooner or later automation will sweep through all industries and we will enter a de-labourised society where less than 10% of the population is employed.
When this happens, the majority of the population will be without income, so they will be self-alienated, with domestic demand stagnating and declining. So, since the productive forces are growing, the government will use this as collateral to provide income to the population. Otherwise, the economy will not be able to turn, which means that a large part of the population will starve to death despite the abundant productive forces.
As taxes are not the original source of revenue, the government has to circulate the economy by circulating money that is matched to the productive forces. It is also necessary to compensate those who have lost income through de-industrialisation and to provide all citizens with the income from the increase in productive forces. In other words, a shift from a tax collection-oriented state to a benefit-oriented state is being pressed for.
In a BI system, the minimum cost of living for a healthy and cultured life is paid uniformly, and the people are satisfied with a passive and stable life and do not want to actively engage in activities, which leads to a stagnant society. Eventually, we will be forced to adopt the activity income system (AIS) that I advocate.
