Best Skills Build for Ellie in Last of Us 2

The game is attaining a positive review from gamers as well as critics.Gamers across the globe are quite fond of horror-survivor genre video games, and thus, they like The Last of Us 2.

It took nearly seven years to Naughty Dog to craft a new version of The Last of Us: Remastered. Thus, the Last of Us 2 finally arrived.The game is attaining a positive review from gamers as well as critics.Gamers across the globe are quite fond of horror-survivor genre video games, and thus, they like The Last of Us 2. With new story content, weapons, firearms, characters, and much more, it is quite different from its predecessor.The centerfold character of the game Is Ellie; hence gamers have to focus on her a lot.Gamers need to build their character in such a way that their skills don't lack them.In this article, we will help the gamers know about Ellie's skills alongside which ones are beneficial to invest points. Below we have provided a proper workaround for best skills build for Ellie in Last of Us 2.

Skill Trees of Ellie

Before proceeding further, first, gamers need to know about Ellie's Skill Trees.The Skill Tree is a sheer description of the character's gameplay and is quite necessary to know about all its skill lines before building a character.Here:


▪ Endure is one of the requisite skills that gamers have to upgrade because it handles the character's defensive gameplay.The more gamers upgrade this skill, the more Ellie will be able to deal with the damage alongside it also increases her one-hit kill ability.

▪ The gamers have to invest their points in upgrading the Listen Mode Movement Speed ​​I skill because it will help them to increase the hearing ability of Ellie, which results in an improvement in her movements.

▪ The skill will help increase the Health bar of Ellie up to 25%, and it is a necessary upgrade, so gamers must invest their points in it.

▪ The gamers have to upgrade the Faster Health Kits because it will increase the health bar of Ellie up to 100%.However, it is an optional upgrade because it requires many points, so gamers who have extra points must invest in it.

▪ Listen Mode Movement Speed ​​II is also an optional skill upgrade in which Ellie listening skill will be increased up to 100%. Gamers who have extra points must invest in it, while those who are short of points would skip upgrading it.


▪ The gamers need to invest their points in upgrading the Craft Smoke Bombs skill because eventually, it will increase the smoke bombs numbers in Ellie's sack.

▪ The gamers have to invest their points in upgrading Faster Crafting because it will help Ellie to increase their speed of crafting items.

▪ Craft Melee Upgrades is a necessary upgrade because it will help gamers to craft melee weapons at a steady pace.However, it is up to gamers if they have extra points, then they can invest them in this upgrade else they can skip it too.

▪ The gamers have to upgrade their skill of crafting smoke bombs.Once they upgraded the Craft More Smoke Bombs skill, then soon they will start crafting at least four smoke bombs at once.

▪ The gamers have to upgrade the skill of Craft Improved Health Kits to add much better health kits to Ellie's sack.However, it is up to gamers if they have extra points, then they can invest them in this upgrade else they can skip it too .


▪ The gamers must upgrade the Faster Stealth Kills skill because it will increase the speed of Ellie's movement.

▪ The gamers have to invest in upgrading the Improved Silencers skills because it will add five more rounds to Ellie's weapon.

▪ The gamers must upgrade the Faster Prone Movements skill because it will increase the speed of Ellie's moves up to 50%. However, it is up to gamers if they have extra points, then they can invest them in this upgrade else they can skip it too.

▪ The gamers must increase the Listen Mode Clarity skill because it enables Ellie to hear the sounds from a distant range.

▪ The gamers have to invest in upgrading the Craft Silencers skills because it will add three more rounds to Ellie's weapon.However, it is up to gamers if they have extra points, then they can invest them in this upgrade else they can skip it too .


▪ Craft More Arrows is a necessary skill, and gamers must have to upgrade it to improve Ellie's character skills.

▪ The Hold Breath skill will help Ellie improve her aiming, and thus, gamers must have to invest in this skill.

▪ The gamers need to upgrade the Listen Mode Range skill because it will help Ellie to enhance the range of her hearing skills.

▪ The Faster Aim Movement skills will increase the speed of Ellie's movement.However, it is up to gamers if they have extra points, then they can invest them in this upgrade else they can skip it too.

▪ The Aim Stability skill will help Ellie to enhance her accuracy and stability up to 100, and hence gamers must have to upgrade this skill.


▪ Craft Explosive Arrows skill will increase the number of arrows in Ellie's sack. It is a beneficial skill, and gamers must invest in it.

▪ Craft More Explosive Arrows is an optional upgrade to increase the number of explosive arrows.

▪ Improved Molotovs skill will increase the flaming radius by up to 50%.It is a beneficial skill, and gamers must invest in it.

The Improved Trap Mines skill will increase the blast radius up to 50%.It is a beneficial skill, and gamers must invest in it.

