What is Jaspersoft

Jaspersoft is a data reporting and analysis software built into the JasperReports engine that helps businesses create compact, pixel-perfect reports, dashboards and visuals. It empowers competent businesses to find answers to data queries with well-translated and easily interpreted pictures. Closing the gap between understanding and doing, enhances the ownership of the decision-making process in all organizations.
It includes JasperReports Library, JasperReports Server and JasperReports Studio. The vendor also offers an embedded cloud and microservice reporting engine, JasperReports IO.

Benefits and details
Why use Jaspersoft?
Key separators and benefits of Jaspersoft
Designed for Embedding: This system is not just configured for embedding - it is designed to integrate both the front and back end of any host application. Its first API approach provides direct access to a wide range of functions from within other solutions.
Self-help BI: Improves data readability across the organization through self-help analysis. Create reports and visuals with a simple drag and drop report builder.
Flexible Architecture: Use its data-agnostic architecture to draw on a variety of data, access any database management system and work within a variety of systems. Use locally, in the cloud or even in containers or microservices-based applications.
Accurate Design: Upgrade pixel-perfect reports with custom module including host application. Provides a wide variety of out-of-the-box reports and customizations to address business needs.
Collaborate All Departments: Send reports in various formats to share by email, save to shared space to allow others to view or publish on the website or hosted app.
Get Data Trends: Discover patterns and trends in business data and discover unseen trends with different types of data displays. Focus on the information to find out more.
Brings Business Ideas: Make informed business decisions and plan for the future of the business based on historical trends and forecasts. Trim, cut and dice, rotate and sift to make advanced analysis of the most important business data.
Secure Integration: Maintains the integrity of sensitive business data across all connected applications. Enables seamless external verification and authentication when integrating with other applications.
Developer focus: Modify its open source code to use custom features to suit business needs. Build and integrate applications with support for multi-tenancy, dynamic APIs and the online community.
Industrial Technology
Jaspersoft focuses on providing reporting and analysis support to various industries around the world. Some of these are business and consulting services, consumer and retail goods, education, energy, financial services, government, health care, travelers, human resources, health sciences, manufacturing, media, advertising and entertainment, nonprofits, software and technology, transportation. and logistics and communications.
