


Do you guys know how it was when Christian was first propagated to Japan and South Korea?
We would like to explain the history of Christianity in Japan and South Korea, the gifts of missionaries, and the mystery of Takeda.

─ キリシタンベルトについて ㅡ



ㅡ About The (Christian)Kiricitan Belt ㅡ

In the 16th century, many missionaries beed to protism Christianity in various places. Their footprints were some day called the "Kiricin Belt". Takeda city was included in this road leading from Oita to Nagasaki, but it is very rare that a town without a capital or port is included in the Kiricitan Belt. It is thought that the reason why the Christians used the town of Greater Japan is to use the hot spring. At the time, the Christians believed that the hot springs would cure their 100s and illnesses.
There are also various excavated items in the Kiricin Belt.
Among them, the famous giant cross located above. In the form of a T-shape, it represents the Golgoda hill and the cross where Christ was executed, and was the object of the people's faith. The upper part is engraved with the letter "INRI". This is an initial meaning Jesus of Nazareth, king of Judea, and is the same as the charge engraved on the cross on which Christ was crucified.


 大分を訪れた宣教師の中でももっとも有名な人物の一人。彼は、商人である反面、医師の免許を持っており、南蛮医学を始めて日本に持ち込んだとされる。大分に来た彼は、赤子殺しや間引きなどの惨状を目の当たりにして、ショックを受けた。そして、大友宗麟に頼んで土地を譲ってもらい、内科、外科、皮膚科を備えた総合病院を設立した。これが日本最初の病院である。 他にも育児院を設立し、孤児たちを育てたり、九州全体を回って医療活動を行ったりと、日本の医療発展に大きく携わってきた。


Luis de Almeida

One of the most famous missionaries to visit Ind. He is said to have a doctor's license while being a merchant, and he first bought Nanban medicine in Japan. When he came to Great Japan, he was shocked to see the devastation of killing babies and pulling between them. He asked Sorin Otomo to give up the land and established a general hospital with internal medicine, surgery, and dermatology. This is the first hospital in Japan. He has also been greatly involved in the development of medical care in Japan, such as establishing a childcare clinic, raising orphans, and carrying out medical activities throughout Kyushu.
 In Large, the Almeida Hospital, named after Luis de Almeida, is now being established in Oita!



─ The mystery of Otamaya Park ㅡ

Takeda is said to be a "hidden Christian" who has been hidden by the clan, not a "hidden Christian" who believes in hiding from the crackdown and destruction of other clan.
While Buddhism was for the wealthy, Christianity was non-discriminatory and missionaries were food-giving, so the common people became Christians even if they didn't understand the teachings of Christianity. went.
At Takeda, in order to protect Christianity as a gift from Christianity, various forms of Christianity are left in return for Christian missions. Introducing gifts and returns from Christians that can be seen in Otamaya Park.
Otamaya Park is near Oka Castle and is where the tombs of successive lords of the Oka Domain are located. First of all, I would like to introduce a gift from Christianity.

画像3かまぼこ石/Kamaboko stone/카마보코 돌


Kamaboko stones can be found in temples, shrines, and castles in Taketa City. Oka Castle is the only castle in Japan where you can see Kamaboko stones. 
Maybe the missionaries brought this design when they came to Takeda and maybe Takeda's lord adopted the design.


画像2卍文字/Manji Letter/만 문자


The first is the swastika. The swastika stands for Buddhism. The Reverse Swastika stands for Christianity.
The people of Takeda used the reverse swastika to hide their Christianity.

画像3ダイヤ十字/Diamond cross shape/다이아 십자


The second is a diamond cross. Turn this umbrella over and you'll see a diamond cross. This can't be seen without turning it over. In this way, the people of Takeda were working on places that were not visible. Then, they left evidence of being a Christian.

/Hidden Crescent moon/숨겨진 초승달


The third is the crescent moon. There is a picture of Maria standing on the crescent moon in the iconic painting. The crescent moon represents Maria.


The Fourth is circle. Maru is a Christian kakekotoba. In Oita dialect, the circle is called 『 marii 』. From there, the word resembles the sound of Mary, so the circle is said to represent Mary.

画像2法号/Dharma name/법명


The fifth is the Dharma name. The shogunate cannot enter the grave of the shogun of the former Oka domain. Therefore, many hidden characters that remind us of Christianity are hidden in the Dharma name.

画像2A文字/A Letter/A문자


Finally, I would like to introduce the mystery of "A". In the picture above, you can see that the letter that should have been written as "moon" resembles "A". This is closely related to the Christian Bible, and the "A" is said to represent the α of Jesus Christ.




─ 韓国のキリスタン迫害 ㅡ


─ South Korea persecution of Christian ㅡ

From now on, I would like to explain the four major Christian persecution cases of the Joseon period.


辛酉迫害は1801年に発生した大規模なキリスト教迫害事件です。 そして朝鮮王朝のキリスト教に対する最初の大掛かりな迫害事件です。当時11歳て即位した純祖( スンジョ第23代王)に代わって母である貞純王后(チョンスンワンフ)金氏の摂政に代わります。貞純王后は政治的基盤を固めるために、政敵だったキリスト教徒が大挙含まれている南人(ナムイン)勢力を粛清します。キリスト教を迫害するためではなく、南人勢力を粛清するための言い訳でキリスト教を迫害しました。

Shin Rooster persecution is a large-scale Christian persecution incident that occurred in 1801. And it was the first major persecution of Christianity in the Joseon Dynasty.
King Sunjo (23rd King Sunjo), who was 11 years old at the time, will be replaced by his mother, Queen Jeongsun Kim.In order to consolidate her political foundation, Queen Jeong-sun purged the South Korean forces, which included many Christians.I persecuted Christianity not because I persecuted Christianity, but because I made excuses to purge the Southern forces.
As a result, more than 300 believers were martyred, and most of them were opposed to the ruling party.It happened for political purposes, but it became an event that established the repertoire of "Western = Christian = Denial of the monarch = Rebellion" in Joseon.


己亥迫害(ギヘパクヘ)は朝鮮で1839年に起きた第2次キリスト教迫害事件です。 この事件も、 辛酉迫害と同様、表面的にキリスト教を迫害するためのものだったが、実際には安東金氏 (アンドンキムシ)から権力を奪おうとする豊穣祚氏(フンヤンチョシ)が起こした事件です。
1834年、憲宗が8歳(第24代王)の時、最年少で即位し、祖母(純元王后)の摂政が始まります。このような時代の背景により、当時権力のない王の代わりに安東金氏一族の勢道政治がはげしかったんですが、 豊穣祚氏は、キリスト教が多かった安東金氏を追い出すために、キリスト教迫害を本格的に行います。


丙午迫害(ビョンオパクヘ)は、1846年に起きたキリスト教迫害です。 他の迫害に比べ殉教された人は少ないものの、大きな影響力を持っていた朝鮮時代最初の司祭が殉教した事件であるため、他の迫害たちとクラスを共にします。 朝鮮時代の最初の聖職者であるキム·デゴン神父が、外交宣教者たちが安全に入国できる秘密航路を開拓するため、朝鮮の地図を中国に送ろうとしていたことが発覚されます。 その後、逮捕され、背教すると助けてあげるという条件を断って25歳で処刑されてしまいます。 そして、それに関わった9人の信者も処刑されることになります。

The persecution of Byeongo was Christian persecution that occurred in 1846. Compared to other persecutions, few people were martyred, but the first priest of the Joseon period, who had a great influence, was martyred, so he joined forces with other persecutors. Father Kim Dae-gon, the first priest of the Joseon period, is known to have tried to send a map of North Korea to China to develop a secret route for diplomatic missionaries to enter the country safely. After that, he was arrested and executed at the age of 25 for refusing to help him if he disobeyed. And the nine believers involved in it will also be executed.



In Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, where Father Kim Dae-gon was executed, a church was built to honor him.


丙寅迫害(ビョンインパクへ)は1866年に起きたキリスト教迫害事件で、朝鮮時代最大規模のキリスト教迫害事件として知られています。 当時の背景は他の事件と同様、幼くして即位した高宗(26代王)の代わりに、お父さんである興宣大院君(フンソンデウォンクン)が摂政を行っていました。


Byeongin persecution is known as the largest Christian persecution in the Joseon era in 1866. The background of the incident is that King Gojong (26th king), who ascended the throne at a young age, was regented by his father, Heungseon Daewongun.

He persecuted Christianity in order to get support from aristocrats (nobles of the Joseon Dynasty) who had ideas other than sexual science to eliminate his complex.The incident killed about 10,000 martyrs and killed nine French missionaries, the largest in the Joseon era.



How many people died and the place of execution was Mt. Jamdubong, but after the Byeongin persecution, the name of the mountain was changed to Mt. Childu.


丙寅迫害当時、フランス人宣教師9名が死亡した事件で、1866年フランス艦隊が江華島(ガンファド)を侵犯し占拠します。 この事件を丙寅洋擾(ビョンインヤンヨソ)と言います。丙寅洋擾の時、フランス軍は 江華島から朝鮮王室儀軌を略奪します。


Nine French missionaries were killed during the persecution of Byeongin, and the French fleet invaded Ganghwa Island in 1866. This incident is called Byeongin Yangyo.During the Byeongin War, the French looted the royal protocol from Ganghwa Island.

The problem was that the royal protocol of Joseon was a UNESCO World Record Heritage Site.
And 150 years later, Korea changed to South Korea...


1995年韓国で高速鉄道を建設しようとします。 当時、ドイツとフランスは技術協力提供をめぐって競争関係にありましたが、韓国外交部はフランスの技術協力提供を受ける条件で王室儀軌の返却を受けることに契約しました。これで韓国のKTX高速鉄道はフランスの技術移転を受けてフランスの会社が作ります。


It was build a high-speed railway in Korea in 1995. At that time, Germany and France were competing to provide technical cooperation, but the Korean Foreign Ministry signed a contract to return royal protocol on condition of receiving technical cooperation from France.As a result, Korea's KTX high-speed railway will be built by a French company following the transfer of technology from France.

I added it because it was interesting that the persecution of Christianity 150 years ago was related to modern high-speed railways!

ㅡ 韓国キリスタン伝来と影響 ㅡ

韓国で最も多くの信者を有するキリスト教、韓国における公式的なキリスト教の歴史の始まりは 1884年、’ホレス·アレン’という人が韓国で開化政策を取り入れた時代に宣教を始めたことを皮切りに、1885年アンダーウッド、アッペンツェラー牧師が韓国に来てから韓国のキリスト教歴史が栄え始める。
1884年、韓国は朝鮮時代と呼ばれた時代であったが、韓国に急速に伝播し始めたキリスト教は、当時身分社会であった朝鮮時代を皆が平等な社会に向かわせる役割をしたと評価されており、 その他にも賛美歌と聖書の韓国語翻訳を通じたハングル教育の普及、学校設立、医療事業など多大な貢献も行われ、最後に宣教師の努力により「ペクチョン」と呼ばれる朝鮮時代の最も低い身分である人々も平民として生きていくことができるようになった。

ㅡ The introduction and influence of South Korea's Christianity ㅡ

The official history of Christianity in Korea, which has the largest number of believers, began in 1884, when Horace Allen introduced enlightenment policies in Korea, and began to flourish in 1885, when Reverend Underwood Appenzeller came to Korea.
In 1884, South Korea was called the Joseon Period, but Christianity, which began to spread quickly to South Korea, is considered to have played a role in making the Joseon Period a society of equality. In addition, he made great contributions to the spread of Hangul education, the establishment of schools, and medical projects through hymns and Korean translation of the Bible, and finally, through missionaries, the lowest-ranking Joseon people could live as ordinary people.



Gwanghaewon, the first modern medical institution in Joseon, was established by Horace Allen in 1885.At that time, Joseon was a time when oriental medicine flourished, so Western medical institutions attracted a lot of attention.In 1904, Gwanghaewon was called a hospital named Severance, which was later integrated with Younghee University, established by Pastor Underwood. It records the efforts and requests of missionaries to make people who live in the status of "Baekcheon" a commoner.Missionaries, men and women alike, who have emphasized worship to God have worked hard for equality of status.



This is related to the establishment of the school, which was originally started by Pastor Appenzeller for the purpose of English education, but later changed to Joseon's first modern educational facility.


これは、当時英語になっていた聖書をハングルに翻訳した最初の聖書翻訳本です。 これらの聖書は単に英語を韓国語に翻訳しただけでなく、これを通じて韓国語教育を行うことができたという点で大きな価値を持っています。

This is the first biblical translation of the Bible, which was translated into English at that time, into Korean. These bibles are not only translated into Korean, but also valuable in that they were able to teach Korean through them.

ㅡ 韓国のキリスタン贈り物とお返し ㅡ



その後、 4代迫害が起きて外国の宣教師を含めて沢山のキリスタンが死にました。最後の迫害(ビョンインパクへ)が原因になってフランスと争いもありました。

ㅡ Korean Christian gifts and returns ㅡ

Karl Guchutslav is the first foreigner to preach Christian in South Korea. In 1832 he went to Korea with his own money to teach him how to sow potatoes and grow grapes. It is famous for translating the Lord's Prayer in Korean for the first time after returning to Japan.

South Korea's Christian does not have a long history. In 1832, foreign missionaries entered South Korea one after another at the beginning of Karl Guchutslav's missionary work.
After that, four generations of persecution killed many Christians, including foreign missionaries. There was also a dispute with France due to the last persecution.(Byeong-In Persecution)


1884年, 高宗(コウソウ~26代王)が正式的にキリスタンの宣教が許されました。

In 1884, Gojong(26th King) was officially allowed to preach in Christian.


アッペンツェラーは1885年、韓国に行ってキリスタン宣教活動と一緒に国民の知識を教えるため全国で宣教活動しました。彼は学生たちのため韓国の最初の洋式学校[培材學堂 ~ ペジェがくどう]を建てられました。

In 1885, Appenzeller went to South Korea and conducted missions nationwide to teach the people knowledge along with the Christian missionary activities. He built Korea's first Western-style school [Peje Academy] for students.
In 1902, Appenzeller was traveling by ship to go to a translators' meeting, and in a collision between ships, he searched for a ship to save a junior high school student in South Korea, but lost his life because he could not escape.


ペジェがくどうはアッペンツェラーよって建てられた。あの頃には聖典と英語の勉強及び聖典 人文・社会・自然科学など近代教育しました。

Peje academy was built by Appenzeller. At that time, I studied the scriptures and English, and did modern education in the humanities, society, and natural sciences. Now there are from junior high school to university.




Underwood is the most famous missionary of all missionaries.
In addition to his missionary work, he built a university [Yonsei(Yeonhee) college], a hospital [Jejungwon], and a newspaper company for Koreans.

In 1890, Underwood created the first English-Korean, Korean-English dictionary to communicate with Koreans.
Underwood built the first Korean university, in 1915, thinking that there was only education to overcome South Korea economy, which was the poorest country in the world at that time.




Yeonhee university was the first university in South Korea and is now called Yonse University. Yonse University is the second most famous university in Korea.

Jae-joong-won was Korea's first Western-style hospital in the sense of "saving the people." Jae-joong-won has now become Severance Hospital and is the most famous hospital from South Korea.



According to statistics, Christian was the religion with the most beliefs. I think this is one return to the missionaries who devoted themselves in Korea.

ㅡ 差別を生み出さないために ㅡ

昔には身分社会を続けるため国が身分の差別を煽てたかも知りません。然し、21世紀は「全ての人は自由な存在で生まれ、同じ尊厳と権利を持つ ー 第1条人権宣言」と言われていますが「肌の色やアジア人」などの沢山の差別が行っています。




I don't even know that in the olden days, the country fueled discrimination in status in order to continue the feudal society. However, in the 21st century, it is said that "everyone is born free and has the same dignity and rights-Article 1 Declaration of Human Rights", but there is a lot of discrimination such as "skin color and Asians" and so on.

We thought the reason was "I don't know the thoughts and culture of others" and "I don't want to accept different opinions."

I felt "scary" because I couldn't understand why the person did so, which could be discriminatory. You may understand if you have the information and knowledge of why you do so. Even if I have knowledge and information, I think that discrimination will continue if I am not good at accepting opinions unlike myself.

I thought that in order not to create discrimination, we should practice interacting with people, discussing and accepting the opinions of others.



ペジェがくどう①, ②, ③, ④,

Modern history of Korean Churches

