
Sandeep K. Narang, MD 

The professions of medicine and law sometimes seem like ships passing in the night. Yet, if children are to be protected, medical professionals and attorneys must put aside their differences and work together.


Reporting Abuse, Managing Uncertainty, and Other Legal Issue 

Child Abuse: Medical Diagnosis and Management, 4th ed. Page 875-920


The professions of medicine and law sometimes seem like ships passing in the night. Yet, if children are to be protected, medical professionals and attorneys must put aside their differences and work together.



Keenan HT, Cook LJ, Olson LM, Bardsley T, Campbell KA. Social intuition and social information in physical child abuse evaluation and diagnosis. Pediatrics. 2017 140(5):e20171188 PMID: 29074609 https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2017-1188

A definitive medical diagnosis of child sexual abuse is almost impossible without CPS and law enforcement involvement. In addition to serving as a primary medical intervention with safety planning and resource referrals, these investigations supply critical collateral information required for diagnostic certainty and not otherwise accessible to the medical team. Acknowledging that CPS referral more often reflects diagnostic uncertainty than diagnostic certainty in the medical evaluation of suspected maltreatment is critical to reshaping the traditional relationship between these professional sectors. Rather than simply passing along concerns of maltreatment from medical system to child welfare agency, meaningful collaboration between referring medical professionals and investigating CPS caseworkers may improve diagnostic certainty, reduce error, and ensure optimal management of these difficult cases. Even with comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation, diagnostic uncertainty around suspected maltreatment may persist. Unresolved uncertainty may encourage reliance on perceived child, parent, or household risk factors to judge the probability of maltreatment.27 At these moments, it is critical to recall that there is no causal link between well-described population risk factors—child disability, young parents, household poverty—and child maltreatment. In cases with persistent diagnostic uncertainty but high social risk, medical uncertainty should be shared honestly with child welfare and law enforcement colleagues even if this reduces the likelihood that such cases will be fully investigated, substantiated or prosecuted. For these reasons, it is critical that medical professionals “lean in” to cases with diagnostic uncertainty and learn to work with children and families to identify resources and supports that may reduce maltreatment risk moving forward.
