





[【銀行口座の不正操作について ーー内田樹先生とストーカーへのお呼びかけ】 先日、恥ずかしながらインターネットで【寄付のお願い】をさせていただきました。本日、【お願い】にお応えいただいたかたから、送金できないというご報告をいただいたと拝見しました。]


●【募金詐欺 まとめ】
















私は翌日、‟詐欺はしたが、そのことを私(詐欺被害者)は知っていた”というストーカーの証言を否定しました。←2024年5月25日 現在はここ。




●【内田樹先生と集団ストーカー】 リアルタイムに近い形で記録しておきたいと思います。また、これらのポストは他のかたとも意味の共有を見ることができました。


【「政治にはカネがかかるんだ」勝手な言い分 そう言って逃げる裏金議員… 中には香典をばら撒き選挙買収に使ったり、私腹を肥やしたり… 自分の当選の為に使う汚いカネ





【個人的メモ】 法律












● I may be disturbing you.

We are grateful to those who have made places for us, and may now be making important decisions in court. Also, to those of you who have been criticizing us. I think the situation is beyond imagination and involves many layers of people. I have feelings that cannot be conveyed in short sentences, but I share your desire to make the world a free, equal, and danger-free place. That is probably not the image of the campaign that mass stalking is unfolding. But that is not the case. I hope to work together with you to achieve such a world and bring about a solution. Thank you for your cooperation.

It is said that on the Internet, if you show emotion, you lose. I think this is especially true when it involves games and fighting elements. I too have always struggled with the "it's emotional" or "no, it's not emotional" split. It is best to reach everyone as long as we make it known. However, as was the case with the previous "trial," I was saved by the indignation, sadness, and frustration that you have shown. It is dumbfounding for the person in question, though. Surely there is a name for this emotional mechanism in psychology. I would like to express my core appreciation and respect to all of you. Thank you very much.

Since time is running short, I will update you in a few minutes. And I hope to be able to tell you tomorrow about the background of the commotion here.

I would like to talk to you about a fundraising scam, a requirement I have been asking for about 5 months. It has been almost 10 months since we asked the stalker to open up his bank account to fraud.

[[About the illegal manipulation of bank accounts - A call to Dr. Tatsuru Uchida and his stalker]] The other day, we were embarrassed to send a [request for donation] via the Internet. Today, we saw that one of the people who responded to our "request" reported that they were unable to send money.]

This is where the fundraising scam originated.
I would like to reiterate how it happened and led up to this point.

Donation Fraud Summary

In February 2023, we raised money to help people escape mass stalking crimes.

A supporter tells me that he is unable to deposit money into his designated bank account.

When I questioned the stalkers, they denied any fraudulent manipulation of their accounts.

I change the bank account, but still cannot deposit the money. I communicate with the stalker several times.

Stalker admits to tampering.

A few months later, the stalker announces, "Please deposit the money into your account so that I can pay you later."

The stalker scams the collected donations (we are told the total damage is several hundred million dollars).

Stalker, scamming the collected donations.)

Stalker presents "my personal information" saying "I (the scribe) am the culprit. He discloses evidence that "I have a gambling debt of 100 million yen, which I used to repay the debt.

I deny the information because I don't remember it, and ask the stalker, "What exactly is this information?"

Stalker removes said "evidence".

Stalker, presents new "evidence" (some "sub-account") spelling out "I (the scribe) am the culprit".

I do not remember, so I ask Stalker to correct or delete the information.

Stalker deletes said "evidence".

I ask the stalker if I committed fraud and he responds with his own admission of committing fraud.

Stalker comments, "I did commit fraud, but I knew about it."
(Sort of like the myth that arose in the fraud case of the baseball player and former interpreter...) ← May 17, 2024

I denied the stalker's testimony the next day that "I did commit fraud, but I (the fraud victim) knew about it. ←May 25, 2024 Now here.

Stalker, commenting that "the donation was transferred to me (scribe). (August 9, 2024)

I, deny that comment. I did not receive it. (August 9, 2024)

That is all. We have asked you several times to return the item to us, but have not been able to do so. I have asked you several times in this correspondence for the reason why you are unable to return the item to me. As you can see, I am in quarantine, so I cannot see your replies directly. I was in trouble and was able to learn about it through Dr. Uchida's post. However, rather than presenting the rationale to me, perhaps it would be better to say that it is an explanation to all of you.

I would like to record this in a near real-time manner. Also, I could see these posts share meaning with others.

(*[kurakin] has been used as a metaphor for financial crimes and injustice)

["Politics costs money" is a self-serving argument. ... dirty money used to get themselves elected.

The brazenness of spending 5 billion dollars on policy activities and saying, 'No one will be offended'... I think the misdeeds of these men should never be forgotten, even during the Paris Olympics.

We have presented what we believe to be a useful document for a quick overview of this issue.

May I be allowed to tell you a story that is usually forbidden because of the "trial"....excuse the stalkers for presenting the information.

Crimes have been committed by multiple people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

[Personal note] Law
New book opening
Breaking into a building
Home invasion
Eavesdropping (violation of radio violation laws, laws regarding stalking, etc.)
Snooping (violation of ordinance regarding prevention of violent and delinquent acts that cause extreme public disturbance, misdemeanor laws)
Hacking (unauthorized access prohibition law, crimes related to unauthorized electromagnetic records)
Defamation by writing falsehoods that constitute slander
Rights of portrait infringement
Nuisance prevention ordinance by following someone around
Invasion of privacy
Invasion of publicity rights
Combination crimes

It is not a thing of the past; multiple of these have been ongoing for multiple years and are ongoing at this very moment.

I continue to update this site daily, not knowing the etiquette and airs and whistles. It has become a constant bumping of heads and stumbling. What is the position of this game(?) What is the position of this fundraising scam from the point of view of...As someone who doesn't know that, I can only guess from the real world. Moreover, it is only an amateur's opinion. If you are interested in the details, I would like to hear the explanation of a legal expert.

The total amount of damage is said to exceed 100 million. And it seems that the victim is not only me, but each and every donor. Considering this, I imagine that "fundraising fraud" is by far the most severe sentencing in this category. However, I think it is safe to say that it is similar to the so-called big evil that is reported on the 7 o'clock news every day.

And that's what I recruited to get away from crime and to rebuild my life. Physical problems are almost always linked to sexual and psychiatric problems. For those of you via the Internet, it may be a poignant episode to punish evil. I don't know the details, but I heard that there are such dramas. However, for those who live in a country governed by the rule of law, it is, simply put, a negotiation of a crime. Just writing this has worn me out.

You have to move there and start a new life. If it's dangerous, you may also have to guarantee your family. The path to society may have been closed. Maybe I'll have to deal with stalking in the future. I have this in mind. I was going to use it as an expense for all of that. It has become money that is urgently needed in order to live, to survive. After all, it's going to be a heavy story.

(Excuse me.) After all, it is difficult to refute when you do not see the specifics. Except for the large frame, we will present the mechanism. I wish I could talk to you face-to-face, but that's forbidden. )

I think you know that this will be a burden for the perpetrators. The police are not acting at the moment. However, the fact that crimes are being committed in front of the public will probably haunt you for the rest of your life. I don't think it's a good thing.

I have just heard the criticism from overseas and the state of the "courts". With terrible. What I can do is ask for it. It is necessary for me on a survival level. As you can see, we are in trouble. Fraudulent manipulation of bank accounts. It sues for the return of donations for fundraising scams. I didn't know it was going to be so difficult... There may not be many people like that. It's unimaginable, isn't it? It's not even a negotiation ... It's not even an explanation ... It's pretty miserable.

However, please return it to the original place. We look forward to working with you as your bank account is restored.

If you can, I would





●【内田樹先生と集団ストーカー】 リアルタイムに近い形で記録しておきたいと思います。また、これらのポストは他のかたとも意味の共有を見ることができました。


【「政治にはカネがかかるんだ」勝手な言い分 そう言って逃げる裏金議員… 中には香典をばら撒き選挙買収に使ったり、私腹を肥やしたり… 自分の当選の為に使う汚いカネ



【「政治にはカネがかかるんだ」勝手な言い分 そう言って逃げる裏金議員… 中には香典をばら撒き選挙買収に使ったり、私腹を肥やしたり… 自分の当選の為に使う汚いカネ】
















●I would like to record this in a near real-time manner. Also, I could see these posts share meaning with others.

(*[back taxes] has been used as a metaphor for financial crime and injustice on that side.)

【Politics costs money" is a self-serving argument... and some of them run away saying so... Some of them spread incense to pay for election bribes or line their own pockets... dirty money used to get themselves elected.

The brazenness of spending 5 billion dollars on policy activities and saying 'no one is angry'... I think the misdeeds of these men should never be forgotten during the Paris Olympics.】

I thought about it with a little cold head, but it's difficult.

【"Politics costs money," he said. Some of them scatter incense books and use them to buy elections, or to fatten their own pockets ... Dirty money to use for your own election】

I wonder how important crime has become over there...I'm at a loss to imagine it and think about this and that, although my thought process would be much lower if I knew that. (not a criticism, I'm just weak because I don't understand the premise of your story)

(Until now, I have told you that donors are victims of fundraising scams, that it hurts anyone's pride to be scammed, and that the damage is done. I have spoken as a matter of course about how "victims should also be given an apology and just compensation." I still don't see it. Please give an apology and just compensation to everyone who has been harmed, as in the real world!)

We often negotiate with criminals on TV. It is one of the showcases in crime movies. I think there were some films that showed negotiation skills. In such films, it is the criminal or the person who is about to commit the crime who is confronted.

I was thinking about the movie "shorttime", the title of which is "The Dad Who Can't Go to Heaven", and I was wondering what kind of persuasion he was using. I was thinking, "What kind of persuasion was he doing in his underwear?

It was so ridiculous that it was a persuasion that came to a hollowness at the end, along with the culprit who was struck by the emptiness. There, crime is crime, there are firm rules that we must follow as a society, and we work together to seriously consider what is best for the criminal who is stuck in that line. In a physical appearance. It was that kind of scene.

There, I see that I have become a person of the worst character, committing crimes every day, going back and forth between my past, present, and life (I know I sound like a jerk, but I don't have a criminal record, please). I see that original information being spread every day while pointing out that it is false.

In such situations, I have repeatedly experienced how easily all values can be turned upside down when one tries to think about things like "justice" and "best". Simply put, "you don't say". I know that this is by no means an easy decision for all of you. Certainly I have been accused of injustice, and that has included actual things. That is where I have to repeat my apologies over and over again. I am sorry.

What is "best"? What is "justice"? It varies from person to person. There, if possible, I would like you to see people who are actually weak and lost.

Perhaps we could consider the standard of domestic law, which never changes, and the standard of international law, which, at the end of the day, is what protects us.

Essentially, I would say that ethics and logic are important. There is no doubt about that. But more than that, at least for me, it has certainly become difficult without fundraising when it comes to social survival. That is exactly what I am talking about, though it is a bare story of a shameful lack of compassion. When I think about tomorrow, a year from now, 10 years from now, my family...I consider it indispensable.

It is very important to me. Could you please return it to us? Thank you in advance.

If possible, we would appreciate your cooperation as well. Thank you in advance for your help.
