🔳About Lies🔳

The day before yesterday or yesterday(?)...I'm afraid I can't confirm this. I am afraid that I have not been able to confirm this, but am I right in thinking that Dr. Uchida's rebuttal to my record, that his prediction was wrong, was picked up by the news media by a stalker? Thank you for your opinion. I will proceed with this process.

It would be the following

Here is a message from Dr. Zu Uchida.

Good morning. Today I will be giving a lecture at "Kitakinki University for Working People" in Fukuchiyama. I will talk about the future of Japan and the world. There are not many people who predict the future. Especially among academics, there are not many. I try to be as specific as possible in my predictions.

[When a forecast is off, you can check what data you want to overlook, what you overestimated and what you underestimated. This helps me understand my thinking "habits. Another benefit is that I take the news more seriously when I am predicting what is going to happen.

As it turns out, without knowing your reaction to it, we deleted the records that were the subject of this text yesterday.
(Time. I would like to end this for today. I would like to continue tomorrow, so please bear with me.

I would like to thank all of you again for the above information. As is often the case, it is thanks to all of you that we were able to avoid being at a loss for information, as we had no idea what was going on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.)

I made it known. The next day I updated the doctor's message. The stalker picked up on it and reported it.
I see that this is how it became an issue. Again, thank you for your input and passing on the information.

Directly, the phrase "if the teacher's [prediction is off]" may have been problematic in the eyes of the stalker. What is the position of a stalker in your mind...I can only imagine, but it may be a trustworthy reporter. I too think that if a "prediction was missed" in a trustworthy frame of mind, and a questionable word comes up, we should first respect it. At least, I could not even confirm the statement from you that you did not mean to update the information in that way. There may be an aspect that the stalker's intention and the teacher's intention overlap, which makes it more persuasive.

To be honest, as for me, I am the one who has been pointing out the stalker's falsehoods until I am exhausted every day, and I am also a party to that semi-permanent rumor that will never go away. And it is the actual teacher's material, at least unprocessed, that was the problem, and the problem was over the judgment. In light of the reality that the record is kicked to the curb by this one article, I no longer feel "what can I do" about the value of the facts. Justice for all...is the thought.

But I also have a past of actions that don't seem to me, or (if the context is even appropriate) that I can't help but feel uneasy about.

Most importantly, I am in a place where I cannot see the situation and cannot make my own decisions even if I wanted to. I am doing this with the thought that I have no choice but to trust you all. I have not led a life that I can be proud of in the first place.

Dr. Uchida's message [in case the prediction is wrong]...there may be a slight misunderstanding about this. Because it is not so out of line with my perception (unlike usual, I feel so grateful to be able to see (a part of) the subject).

In the sentence in question, [This is more of a "thought and practice" selection. I have prefaced this with the following. It might have been different if you looked at the details letter by letter, but I think this was mostly true. In other words, I chose this sentence for a different purpose than usual. If there is still a record of it in the public information section of Stalker, you can see it for yourselves (I have deleted mine).

My preface was also not well worded and not well explained, considering this situation. As I mentioned in another article with the same preface, the article in question is one that I was thinking of moving out of this "New Nazism" text later on. By "thought and practice," we mean that we took it as an example of the "doublespeak" that we repeatedly refer to. Some of you may be wondering if our explanation here is not far from the issue of the truth of the "hinted at" form. I would like to discuss that later, as it is a topic that will be relevant in the future.

To return to the topic at hand, the purpose of this text is different from the usual "this text is about the riot. The context of the discussion so far in this paper has been that "[t]his is not a 'normal war,' but a 'mythical war' in which humans are fighting demons," which is talking about a disturbance scenario. But the text in question has retreated from such a standard. And, as usual, we have removed it without even knowing that it has become an issue among those who have seen the primary source. For one thing, it was not the usual OK, although it was reviewed and checked each time by someone who has known about the disturbance for a long time. I took that as "review required" and rechecked it myself. As a result, I removed it. I had previously scored a text on the same theme, "Thought and Practice," but in that case, the references and intentions to the tumult were multi-layered and colorful and clear, even though the "thematic center of gravity" was different. However, we judged that the text in this case was thin on references to the uproar. I think this was also confusing, where it needed more explanation. I think it was only natural for the professor to issue that message. I am very sorry for the lack of consideration in making this known. I am truly sorry that we have caused you to have a sense of disbelief as well.


●This case also raises the issue of what will happen if [predictions are off] are issued in the future. I think it is possible that every time I make the "text of the disturbance" known, the message of "lie," "fake," "bullshit," or "not good enough" will be presented by the teacher. No, in fact, I have seen it presented several times in the record of this publicity. I cannot confirm this, but the fact that it has now been fixed as an issue means that the stalker has not addressed it before.... It has been picked up twice(?) most recently. Can I see that it has been picked up and has emerged as an issue once again...

Let me tell you why I noticed it. I put up a text regarding the teacher's recent uproar, which has become a daily routine for me of late. When I got home in the morning, I checked my social networking sites and saw that the word "good" (?) had been typed on the teacher's account. I had some thoughts about it, but I went straight to bed. I had some thoughts about it, but I went to bed.

This has also become a regular occurrence recently, but when I woke up and checked the social networking site, I found a state of affairs that was not there in the morning, a commotion that appeared to be a stalker's counter being struck and his shape being reversed. When we checked the doctor's message later, we found that the message "I can work" had been typed in a series of posts after "I'm good".

(We have just had a quick check of your account and were unable to find the post in question. If requested, I have a record of it, and I think I can present it to you, but I apologize for my clumsy attempts.)

In retrospect, I am sure that this was the first time that the word "lie" was raised as a problem.
I confess to my own recollection that the same word had been presented to me by the professor even before that.
I confess to my own recollection that similar words had been presented to me by the teacher before that time, and the reason why I did not go through with it is because it had happened in the past. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is an event that has happened every time it has been known. To be honest, I was not without hesitation as to whether it would be better for us to collect. From the standpoint of fairness, I think it would be recommended. However, it is something that has been going on continuously, changing form and expression during the uproar, and I really didn't want to touch it if possible.

We have made this known in the past, but would like to reintroduce it here.

0From my article "Doubts -Reposted Version-".

(This is the process of intensified attacks on me by teachers on TV, texts, etc., and the criticisms that come in.)

In the case of the Gestapo (Nazi secret police), it was almost always neighbor snitching on neighbor.

One person's message on that occasion.

【(*Quoted rt "Reading Erich Fromm's "Escape from Freedom" in 158 tweets (1)"

rt "Repressed "hostility" or "jealousy" is not expressed directly, but is expressed under the mask of "moral indignation" or "public indignation" masked as justice or as "conscience" or "duty. The "conscience" is nothing more than the "slave-supervisor" within oneself.")
*[Emotional Education] [Put yourself in the shoes of others creatively]...Empathy was often used as a message for a time, along with the one I am recording, in response to a disturbance. The content of the message was, "Put yourself in my feelings and taste the commotion."]

(cont.) "the true nature of the emotions people shower on those who deviate from the rules or defy them."

〇I will ask you to confirm that the above events are correct to our point of view.

●After the fact-checking, the doctor's signature

〇Three days later, my teacher told me
[There is a movie called Denial about the Holocaust falsehoods. The film is a true story about how historical revisionism takes advantage of the fact that any delusional theory can appear to have a good scholarly basis as long as it is brought into a controversy concerning its correctness or incorrectness. Historical revisionism is "win-win" if you bring it into both sides of the argument. ]

(Continued) [Denial's Japanese title is "Denial and Affirmation". They suddenly brought in "both sides of the argument" and gave the military to the historical revisionists. Did the distributor make up the title without having seen the film, or did they have bad intentions? But this bypassed support of delusional theories by "both sides of the argument" is apparently a common practice of the current Japanese media.

From this point on, the words "hoax" and "lie" begin to appear frequently in Sensei's messages.
(*Addition: Please refer to the section "About Lies" in my article "The Relationship between Dr. Uchida and the Riots, and Recent Messages").

[Ummm. The truth is more and more in the bush, isn't it? But it's been a while since I've seen the name Dario Argento.

〇My message

"Mr. Sato, if there are any misconceptions of facts or differences of opinion, please do not call them "lies" or "falsehoods" in the abstract, but please point them out in concrete terms. I would like you to point out to me specifically what I am not doing well. I have already mentioned my own shortcomings above, but I never imagine that there is not a single mistake here. Please point them out to me.

Our question and the teacher's message are parallel.

〇From my article "◆The relationship between◆ Dr. Uchida and the riots, and his recent message

I can't see it, but my sense so far is that this is the item where stalkers are most likely to raise their counter.

Today, after this post, a soliloquy will be published as "I don't really feel that way at all" (Thanks for the info!). (Thanks for the tip!). I pointed out that this was misinformation because it is important to my written word. It was only recently that I became aware of the publication of this "soliloquy". By then it had caused a huge outcry. I am writing this in advance because I have been interrupted many times during this text by these reactions (and how can it take me so long to continue?).

Audio and video data is by far the strongest on social networking sites, and I am in a weak position anyway. Some of this counter-argument or counter-information may be factual. It may not be good, with no room for excuses. Unfortunately. There are numerous reasons why people lie, and I would appreciate it if you could compare and contrast them with the real world outside the blackboard, without absolutizing them like the information the teacher wrote on the blackboard. (We will eventually produce an English translation version.)

This is a repost of Dr. Uchida's quote
["The Japanese language has been disrupted"]
This is Dr. Uchida's message:
[It was a fundamental principle of Abe's politics that no matter how many lies heaped on lies, he would not be punished, which meant that he "had power". Therefore, the administration should protect her at all costs. Because the LDP administration can never accept the rule that "if you lie, you will be penalized."]

(Who is [Abe]?)

0Understood, this is a repost of Dr. Uchida's.
[She says HR investigates "all claims" and that she "personally" believes "the allegations to be false."]

〇This is a repost from Dr. Uchida

[It was you yourself, Mr. Takaichi, who threatened to "stop the airwaves" with your statement that there should not be a single program that criticizes the Abe administration. I vividly remember those days as the ghost of fascism came out. It was a tirade that twisted the Broadcasting Law, but if there was any, you would say it was a fabrication by your subordinates and put the responsibility on the weak. How despicable!
(Who is [Abe]?)

This is Dr. Uchida's repost
[The master got away with the allegations by repeating false answers 118 times in the Diet. When you let them get away with it and then give them a state funeral, etc., this kind of monster emerges as a result."]

〇It is currently ongoing, but here is another one.
To verbalize, a combination of symbols such as "you are being psychically attacked by me" are going up from the teacher to the account, which is then picked up by the stalker. This alert has been spread on sns and is causing an uproar. It has been over 6 months.

In every such case, I ask the teacher what the message means.
"What does this symbol have to do with me?"
Uchida Sensei's reply is as follows.

・August 31

[Spreading false rumors]

・September 9
"To divide them into friend and foe" and "to ignite the hostility of the people."

・September 5
[Regrets to the point of wanting to get down on their knees]

・September 14
"To the reporters [...].

・September 19
"If there had been, he could have stated clearly that there was."

・September 27
"I gave the wrong impression" and "I had no other intention."

・September 28
"I have no other intention."

・September 29
"I have no other intention."

・September 30
"I have no intention.

・October 18

・October 26

・October 29
[The level of childishness and nonsense on Japanese TV is, I am sorry to say, astonishing]
[It is also childish and vulgar beyond comparison with the BBC, CNN and other western media. The "Bourbon headquarters factory" was imagined and painted by an AI. If one is as good a calligrapher as Kobo-Daishi, it does not matter how good or bad one's brush is. Wiktionary)

・November 5
[I contributed to this article on "The Massacre of Koreans in the Great Kanto Earthquake"].

(*The "massacre of Koreans" refers to the massacre of many Koreans and communists by government officials and vigilantes who believed false rumors that "Koreans and communists poisoned wells" and "Koreans set fires" during the confusion caused by the 1923 Kanto Earthquake and Great Kanto Earthquake that occurred in Japan.

・November 6
[One of the possibilities]

I would like to ask the basis for this

[Five printings of "The New Prewar Years" have been made, totaling 37,000 copies. Thank you, dear readers, for your support.

・November 13

[It's a scam, a scam].

〇This is a post that we have made known before, but many of you may be seeing it for the first time. We try to record as much as possible from past texts, but this one has been re-recorded this time. If we receive any complaints from you, we will consider removing it.

This is the message that was presented to me in the early days of the uproar when I pointed out the lies of the doctor. It was a post that shocked me because at the time I was still not used to being lied to openly and the current stance of not hiding the fact that you were lying and telling the story.

Lying is low cost, verifying a lie is high cost. The survival strategy of liars is to take advantage of this asymmetry and keep piling up lies at a rate that verification cannot keep up with. When you survive in this way, a rule of thumb is established that it is right to keep lying, because if you keep lying, ordinary people will give up verifying your lies. Become a habitual liar]

The above is the material for [After making this known, the teacher will scatter words such as "lie," "fake," and "false" in the post].
