
almost a year

Facing yourself in this era, where there is a lot of information on things like food and clothing flying around you, i still see those who have their own answers are the one who end up shining, rather than swept away by all the information.

[b]ecause clothing can show the world who you are, even without the use of words.

The very initial feeling and reasons I had for this magazine and research may be a small drop on a worldwide scale. But just like a ripple effect, through this "guilty pleasure" i hope the story here will make your world a little bigger than yesterday.

Just like that, what once was just a dream of a boy on a tiny island, is no longer just that.

If you are [still] reading this, it means this little dream of mine is a reality and you are sharing it with me.

[…] high-cut converse sneakers, a small accessory that is in touch with one's feminine (or masculine) side, a fancy bag that gives an elitist 'mean girls' tone', and more.

I believe that being able to share people's stories and voices in any kind of medium could mean a lot to people and enough to make a little move.  […] If this magazine encourages you to explore a new part of the would you haven't been to, it would broaden your horizons.
