
What a year and this summer!

I lost my wife in March this year by accident, and last month, my sister told me that she was acute leukemia. Another elder sister and I tried a test of matching types of bone marrow. Among about 25% of the match between brothers and sisters, but the result was unmatched, unfortunately. 

I thought all I could do for her was cheer her up and encourage the immune system of her own body.

Collecting the articles about acute leukemia and send her by e-mail, selecting the books that make her feel this world worth for living. Playing some tunes by the guitar to cheer her up, recording them and upload to Youtube. I showed them when I visited her at the hospital.
Also, after my friend sends me an article about mending cancer by eating a loquat, I searched around some market to buy it even if it is out of season. Then I found eight loquats covered by jelly and bought them for her.
And I went to the seaside of Chiba prefecture last weekend and recorded the sound of waves and send her to heal.

What else could I do for her?
I'm doing these things only because I don't want to lose my loving people anymore. It has started to fight, and it must last long.
