
April 6, 2023 Farming at the old house

Every Friday, in order to prepare a place to stay apart from school, we work with children to take care of various vegetables and flowers planted in the garden at the old house. The vegetables we are planting now are onions, potatoes, fava beans, radishes, cabbage, sunny lettuce, and lemons.

Most of the plants and seeds were given to us by M-san and Y-san. Since all of the members haven't ever experienced farming before, we are learning the basics of farming from the two of them.

It has been almost half a year since we started this kind of work, and I feel that the child's face is gradually becoming brighter as she works with them.

A picture of today's farm

About two years ago, the garden was full of weeds, iron scraps, and rotting flower beds. Comparing the pictures from a few years ago, it is hard to believe that it is the same place, there is such a difference.

The farm in the past (around 2021)

In the future, we plan to harvest the vegetables, cook them, and enjoy a meal together. We are looking forward to the day of the first harvest.