
















Free Palestine. 


Some of us have plans, some of us do not. But none of us really know what is going to happen, what our lives will actually be like. This is scary, of course but it is also how living goes in this world where, in the words of Octavia Butler, “the only lasting truth is change.” In this moment of intense, overwhelming change, may you choose awe and possibility as you exist in this uncertainty. May the radical openness of the future wash over you and root you in this moment. 

No matter how radically open the future is to each of us, there is also simplicity, the mundane, in our futures. There’s a lot about post-grad that will be new, but there will also be much more of the same, more of your life. We are each going to go and do more life. Each of us will continue to wake up, to look out the window, to take a breath. The mundane is a lot of what’s out in the future waiting for you. You can be an impressive career gal who dazzles everyone, but you do not have to be. May you also be human. May you be you. As Mary Oliver says, “You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.” No matter how simple or mundane your life is, it is still beautiful. May your life be filled with the love that comes when we are present to the beauty of the everyday. 

Even in that everyday-mundane, you are constantly interacting with the world, shaping the world through that contact. There is beauty in this change you make, this world you co-create. Octavia Butler wrote, “Everything you touch, you Change. Everything you Change, Changes you.”  

As you change and create the world, you are constantly created. Change may feel like a big, scary thing, something that takes us away from ourselves. But we ourselves are change too. No matter how much you change, all the different versions of yourself always reside within you. “You contain multitudes.” 

The more you live, the more complex multitudes you become. That multiplicity allows you to speak to and connect with and be kind with others. Even when you are expected to become what your resume says you are, you don’t have to suppress those multitudes. Being in expression of those multitudes is living in recognition that the only lasting truth is change. You will never stay the same, you will never be one thing. But that change is never wrong. You just become more and more of a complex being. May you allow your multitudes to show themselves to you. May your multitudes be loved by you no matter how contradicting they are to other parts of yourself; they are all you. 

This is a significant moment for all of us, each of us, in all our multitudes, will be shaped by this day. We invite you to feel and welcome the weight of this milestone. And as you feel that weight, we also invite you to find presence in the simplicity, the mundane that is also always around us. As Mary Oliver writes, No matter how big this day is, 

Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

Now we have one last thing to share with you today. 

As we sit here, the wild geeses do fly. 
Meanwhile, other things happen as well. 

The Israeli state is also continuing its genocide of the Palestinians in this moment. And in this moment, Earlham still fails to divest from Israel. 
May we all committed to justice and liberation for all people as we live beyond our Earlham lives. 

Free Palestine. 
